Media Buttons

The Media Buttons allow you to quickly load and present media items on the Audio or Video Media Players. The type of Media Button defines which Media Player the media item is loaded into.

When a media item is assigned to a Media Button, a database entry for that media item is created that is independent of the original media item. This allows you to use the same media item in multiple Media Buttons and adjust the IN/OUT points and audio levels without changing the other Media Button, or the original media item.

Tip: You can also assign a playlist to a Media Button. Refer to Playlists for more information.

Media Buttons are organized into 6 banks of 14 pages with each page containing 60 buttons. The Media Buttons, pages, and banks are independent between the channel pairs and sessions.

Tip: Click a Media Button to load the contents of that Media Button onto the Video or Preview Media Player, or double-click a Media Button to load the contents onto the Video or Audio Preview Media Player and immediately take it onto the Program Media Player.