2. Video Source Buses
Single Delegation Row
Each single delegation panel row has three buses of video source buttons (Keyer, Background, and Preset). If the keyer bus row is assigned to an aux bus, the key bus row is assigned to that video bus while the background and preset buses remain assigned to the previous buses.

The mnemonic displays show the video sources that are assigned to the buttons on the keyer row and background/preset row.
Dual Delegation Row
Each Dual Delegation (DD) panel row has four buses of video source buttons (2×Keyer, Background, and Preset). If the keyer bus row is assigned to an aux bus, both key bus rows are assigned to that video bus while the background and preset buses remain assigned to the previous buses.

The Dual Delegation row has two independent buses with integrated mnemonic displays in the button. When the button is assigned to a source, memory, or custom control the name of the assignment is shown in the button.