To Apply a DVE Border to a DVE Key

Tip: The size of the border should be set first in order to adjust the appearance of the border.

DVE Borders can be applied to any key type. When applied to a Chroma Key, Self Key, or Auto Select Key, the following limitations apply:

  • Softness is not applied when the border size is 0.
  • Size crops the key when softness is 0.
  • Softness only applies inside the key.
  • Color cannot be applied to the border.
  1. Navigate to the DVE menus for the DVE key you want to apply the border to and press DVE Menu > Border.
  2. Press Size and use the Size knob, or the positioner, to adjust the size of the border. In the size area, the dotted line is the edge of the key and the blue line is the thickness of the border.

    The Size area on the menu shows the size of the border relative to the key.

  3. Use the Softness knob, or the positioner, to adjust the softness of the edges of the border.

    Softness is applied to the inner and outer edges of the key as well as the border. If the border size is 0, the softness is applied to the outer edges of the key.

    The Softness area on the menu shows the amount of softness that is applied to the edge of the border. The dotted line is the edge of the key and the gradient at the bottom is showing the amount of softness, or fading, applied to the border.

  4. Press Color and use the color picker to select the color you want to use.