To Install an SDxE Blade

With the old blade removed, and the power still off and disconnected, you can install the new blade.

CAUTION: Before your set up or operate your switcher, see the "Important Safety Instructions" in your manual.
ESD Susceptibility: Static discharge can cause serious damage to sensitive semiconductor devices. Avoid handling the circuit boards in high static environments such as carpeted areas and when synthetic fiber clothing is worn. Touch the metal frame to dissipate static charge before removing boards and exercise proper grounding precautions when working on circuit boards.
Important: Blades in the Ultrix chassis are not hot-swappable. You must power off the frame before attempting to install the blade. Failure to power off the frame could result in damage to the equipment.
  1. Power off the Ultrix chassis and unplug all the power cables.
    Warning Hazardous Voltages: Hazardous voltages are present in this device as long as any of the power supplies are connected to the AC power.
  2. Holding the blade by the sides, gently guide the blade into the proper slot in the chassis. As the SDxE takes up two slots, this will be the lower (Ultrix FR5) or right-hand (Ultrix FR12) of the two slots. Slide the blade into the slot until you feel it come up against the connectors at the back of the frame.
    Important: Do not force the blade into the slot. If you experience resistance installing the blade before reaching the end, pull the blade back and try again.
  3. Using the supplied tool, turn the middle retaining bolt. If you don't feel any resistance push the blade in a little more until you can feel the threads on the middle retaining bolt catch.
    Important: Do not use a ratchet or wrench to tighten the retaining bolt. The excess force these tool can produce will damage the retaining bolt or backplane.

  4. Incrementally tighten the screws and retaining bolt in sequence to ensure the blade is properly aligned as it is installed. If the blade starts to bind, firm but gentle pressure can be applied to the blade to re-align it in the slot.

  5. Reconnect power to the system and the SDxE blade according the cabling instructions that came with your SDxE blade.
  6. Power on the system. Take note of the order that the system components must be power on in.
    Important: When powering on system, you must power on the SDxE blade at the same time or before the rest of the router. If the router is powered before the SDxE blade the SDxE blade will not be initialized properly.

With the system powered up, the switcher will detect the new hardware and update the software as required. The SDxE should be listed on the web interface to the switcher for the slot it was installed into.