To Connect to the Carbonite Black

  1. Double-click on the ePCH node and click on the Ethernet tab.
    Note: The Current DIP Switch field shows the state of the DIP1 and DIP2 switches on the control panel. Some settings do not allow you to change the IP settings from DashBoard.
    Tip: Double-click on the ePCH node and click on the Panel Name, Permissions tab to change the name of the panel in the tree view.
  2. Click a Method button to select whether to use a static IP address (Static), or obtain an IP address (DHCP).
  3. For a static IP address, enter the IP address (IP Address), subnet mask (Subnet Mask), and gateway (Default Gateway) you want to use.
  4. In the Carbonite IP Address field, enter the IP address of the frame you are connecting to.
  5. Click a Send Logs to Frame button to select whether panel logs are sent to the frame (Enabled) or not (Disabled). Sending panel logs to the frame allows the frame to combine them with the frame logs so that there is only a single set of logs to send to technical support if required.
    Note: Sending panel logs to the frame is not supported by all the frames at this time.
  6. Click a Panel ID button to select whether you want to assign the panel as the main panel (Main), or one of the satellite panels (Sat. 1 or Sat. 2). The panel id sets what permissions the control panel has to the resources on the frame.
  7. Click Apply Changes.