To Connect to Ultrix from DashBoard

DashBoard connects to each device separately. You must create a new connection for Ultrix, the Ultripower units, and Ultricool.

Note: DashBoard must be running on a computer on the same subnet as the frame to connect.

You need the IP address of each device to connect to it from DashBoard.

  1. Click File > New > TCP/IP DashBoard Connect or openGear Device.

  2. In the IP Address field, enter the IP address of the device you are connecting to. The default IP addresses are listed below:
    • Ultrix —
    • Ultripower —
    • Ultricool —
  3. In the Display Name field, enter the name you want to use to identify the device in DashBoard. This should be a unique name for the device you are setting up.
  4. Select the protocol for the device you are connecting to.
    • UltrixJSON
    • UltripowerOGP
    • UltricoolOGP
  5. In the Port field, select the protocol for your device.
    • Ultrix5254
    • Ultripower5253
    • Ultricool5253
  6. Click Finish.
    The device appears in the Tree View.