- 0dB Audio Fader Location
Sets the 0dB location for audio faders. This is the point where the you want the slider to signal the audio mixer that it is at 0dB.
- Assign ME
Allows you to disable the ability to assign a control panel row to a different ME. The control panel row will be locked to the currently assigned ME.
- Audio Cut Only
Sets whether audio transitions occur at the same rate as the video transition, or whether the audio transitions cut. Note that this is not a true cut as the speed that one channel is taken off-air and the next channel is take on-air depends on the Audio Mixer.
- Audio Transition
Depending on how you want audio transitions to be performed, you can set up the switcher so that it will either perform an audio transition when a transition is performed on any ME, or only when a transition is performed on an on-air ME.
- Auto Key Alpha
Allows you to select how the switcher treats the alpha when the internally generated Black is assigned to an auto key.
- Auto Recall
Sets whether or not the switcher includes switcher settings, such as Keys Only, Effects Dissolve, on or off and DVE wipe settings, with the memory.
- Auto Remove Key
Sets whether the switcher removes a Keyer from the Next Transition after that keyer has been transitioned off-air from the Keyers Module. For example, Key 2 is on-air and it is selected as part of the next transition on the Transition Module. If you cut or dissolve key 2 off-air from the Keyers Module, key 2 will be de-selected for the next transition on the Transition Module. If key 2 was the only selected item for the next transition, the background will be selected instead.
- Aux Bus Names
Allows you to select whether the switcher uses the aux bus number or name in the menu system and bus map.
- Aux Bus Row Follow
Allows the key bus on a control panel row to automatically switch to aux bus control when an aux is selected on an Auxiliary Control Panel assigned to the same internal panel row.
- Aux Bus Source
Allows you to select whether the switcher uses the aux bus name and source, or only the name.
- Bank 0 Lit
Sets whether or not the BANK button on the Memory Modules is lit when bank 0 is selected.
- BKGD Double Press
Allows you to have a double-press of the BKGD or KEY X button on a Transition Module set up the next transition to take the keys off-air. Double-press the BKGD button to select background and all on-air keys as part of the next transition. Double-press any KEY X button to select all on-air keys as part of the next transition, and not include background.
- CC/Macro Attachments
Sets whether or not custom controls that are attached to control panel buttons using the Attach Custom Controls Menu are run when the button is pressed.
- CB1/2 Panel Enable
Sets whether or not the FTP server required to connect to the Carbonite Black control panel connection is enabled.
- CC Global Recall
Sets whether or not the RECALL CLIP/CC button on the Global Memory module can be used to run a custom control.
- CC Held/Paused Display
Sets whether the mnemonic of a custom control show Held or Pause when the custom control is at that state (Held/Paused), only shows the name of the custom control (CC Name), or shows both the Held or Paused and the name of the custom control (Both).
- CC Memory State
Sets whether the Effects Dissolve and Keys Only settings of a memory are used when the memory is recalled with a custom control. Recalling the memory directly is not affected. This allows the custom control to recall a single memory and override the Effects Dissolve and Keys Only on or off settings of how the memory was stored. This setting overrides the Auto Recall personality option.
- Chroma Key Mem Use
Sets whether the Key Memory (KEY MEM) function will recall the chroma key settings or just the key source.
- Clear Bus Hold on All-All
Sets whether or not the Bus Hold selection on a bus is cleared when a soft-reset is performed.
- DD Key Delegation
Sets how the keys on the key bus of an Acuity® Double-Down panel are configured.
- Default Trans Active
Allows you to set a default transition rate for switcher transitions, effects, and sequences.
- Default Trans Eff Rate
Allows you to set a default effects dissolve rate.
- Default Trans FTB Rate
Allows you to set a default fade to black rate.
- Default Trans Key Rate
Allows you to set a default keyer transition rate.
- Default Trans ME Rate
Allows you to set a default ME transition rate.
- Default Trans Sequence Rate
Allows you to set a default sequence rate.
- Double Press Rate
Sets the length of time that you have to press a button a second time in order for the switcher to treat it as a double-press.
- DSK Auto Cut
Sets whether or not the DSKs are cut off-air when a source is selected directly on the main Program Bus of the switcher.
- Editor Pattern Codes
Sets whether or not the GVG100, GVG100/200, or GVG4000 editor pattern codes are displayed on the pattern buttons. When active for a particular editor protocol, the plain or hexadecimal pattern code is shown on the pattern buttons on the Pattern Selection menu.
- Editor Trans Rates
Sets whether transition rates that are set from an external editor are doubled or not.
- ExCamMoveOnTrans
Allows you to select whether the camera move will be triggered with a transition or not.
- Fixed Memories
Allows you to select whether memories are recalled on the MEs that they were recorded on, or whether they are recalled on MEs relative to the PGM ME.
- Global Mem Num Entry
Sets whether the keypad on the Global Memory module on the Acuity® panels, or the Memory area on the highest numbered ME on the TouchDrive panels can be used to enter punchpad values.
- Grab Camera Time
Allows you to have the switcher select the first camera on the preview bus a set amount of time (in seconds) after a transition has been performed. This allows you to automatically have menu and positioner control over the camera when OverDrive® prepares the next shot. A duration of 0 seconds turns this feature off.
- GUI Scroll Controls
Sets whether the menu system uses graphical knobs for selections or up and down buttons.
- Key Cut Then Fade
Change the behavior of the CUT button on the Keyers module. When this feature is active, the CUT button on the Keyers module will cut a key on-air, but dissolve, or fade, the key off-air. This allows you to use the same button to cut a key on-air and then transition it off-air.
- Keypad Clip IDs Entry
Sets whether the Global Memory or Effects Memory keypads allow you to select a clip on a video server.
- Keypad DVE Num Entry
Sets whether the Global Memory or Effects Memory keypads allow you to select a DVE wipe pattern for a transition.
- Keypad Still Num Entry
Sets whether the Global Memory or Effects Memory keypads allow you to load a still in a Global-Store or ME-Store.
- Keypad Wipe Num Entry
Sets whether the Global Memory or Effects Memory keypads allow you to select a wipe pattern for a wipe transition.
- Key Priority Display Order
Allows you to select the order that the keys are shown in the display on the panel row.
- Knob List Expansion
Allows the knob list you are scrolling to expand to the full size of the area for a period of time. This allows you to see more of the list at one time.
- Log Level
Select the level of logging you want the switcher to use. Only adjust these settings if asked to do so by Ross Video Technical support. High logging levels can impact switcher performance.
- Matte Limit
Sets whether or not the matte generators on the switcher are limited to the RGB color space or not.
- ME B-Side Color
Sets the glow color for the B-Side of a split ME.
- Memory Bank Cycle
Sets the maximum number of memory banks that you will cycle through when pressing the Bank button on a Memory Module.
- Menu Module Indicator
Adds an icon (On) to the upper left corner of the upper or lower menu region to indicate which menu the Menu Module is showing.
- Menu Numbers
Adds a menu number (On) to the left of the menu title on each branch of the menu system. Click the menu number to enter a new menu number to navigate to. Only the first page of a menu has a number.
- Mouse Sensitivity
Set the speed that the mouse pointer moves around the screen when you move the mouse.
- Multiple Customs
Set whether the switcher can run multiple custom controls simultaneously or only one at a time.
- Use Old DVE Color
Set whether the switcher uses the old or new color converter for DVE borders. The new color converter is similar to the one used by the matte color generator.
- Open Shortcut on Top
Forces the menus launched from the quick navigation bars on the left of the menu to open in the top menu region.
- Panel Sleep Time
Sets the length of time before the switcher goes into sleep mode.
- Pbus Memory
Allows you to store or recall memories on a Pbus device when you store or recall memories on the switcher.
- Quick Bank Select
Allows you to select a memory bank by either holding the BANK button and selecting the bank, or by pressing the BANK button, and then selecting the bank.
- Recall Empty Memory
Sets whether you can recall a memory that has no content, has been deleted, or has been marked as Don't Recall.
- Recall ME-Store
Sets whether the Media-Store settings are included with memory recalls always, only when turned on from the ME Memory Attributes menu, or never.
- Recall WhiteFlash
Sets whether the WhiteFlash settings are included with memory recalls always, only when turned on from the ME Memory Attributes menu, or never.
- Re-entry Depth
Allows you to have the switcher either prevent or allow re-entry chains of more than 4 MEs. For example, ME 1 -> ME 2 -> ME 3 -> ME 4.
- Re-entry Loops
Allows you to have the switcher either prevent or allow an ME re-entry feedback loop. If Re-entry Loops is set you On, you are able to re-enter ME 1 into ME 2, and re-enter ME 2 into ME 1.
- Roll Clip Mode
Determines how the ROLL CLIP button behaves when a server is selected on the preview bus. This setting is applied to all MEs on the switcher.
- Roll Clip On-Air Only
Determines how to play a clip based on the ME On-Air status.
- Router Name on MV
Set whether the MultiViewer shows the router mnemonic names or the switcher names for video sources.
- Shift All Buses on a Row
Sets whether all buses on a panel row are shifted when a SHIFT button on that row is pressed.
- Shift Locking
Sets whether double-pressing the SHIFT button on a crosspoint bus toggles shift on.
- Show Attached CCs
Allows you to light all buttons that have a custom control attached to them.
- Show CCs on Key Bus
Sets whether or not custom controls that are attached to crosspoint buttons on the keyer bus are shown on the keyer mnemonics.
- Show Last CC Pressed
Allows you to keep the last pressed custom control button lit after the custom control has finished. The button remains lit until another custom control is pressed or the switcher is reset. This is shown for each custom control bank independently.
- Show Last Memory Recalled
Allows you to keep the last pressed memory number lit after you have recalled a memory on the same bank. The button remains lit until another memory is recalled or the switcher is reset. This is shown for each effects memory module independently.
- Split Row
Allows you to split the source buttons of a panel row on the TD3, x3, 4, or x4 between the A-Side and B-Side of an Split ME.
- Store Mode
Sets whether or not a memory module remains in store mode after a memory has been stores, or switch to recall mode.
- Swap Keyer Cut & Auto
Allows you to swap the behavior of the CUT and AUTO TRANS buttons on the Keyers module. When this feature is set to swap, the CUT button performs an auto transition, and the AUTO TRANS button performs a cut.
- Swap PGM/PST Buses
Allows you to swap the functions of the Program bus to the Preset bus on all MEs. When this feature is turned on, the sources that you select on the preset bus act as if they are being selected on the program bus, and the sources selected on the program bus act as if they are being selected on the preset bus.
- Swap Trans Cut & Auto
Allows you to swap the behavior of the CUT and AUTO TRANS buttons on the Transition module. When this feature is set to swap, the CUT button performs an auto transition, and the AUTO TRANS button performs a cut.
- Time Clock Source
Allows you to set the source for the Preview Overlay Time Clock. This source can either be internally generated, or generated from an external UMD device.
- Time Clock UMD Number
Allows you to set the specific address of the UMD input that you want to get the time clock data from.
- UltraChrome Dflt Color
Allows you to set the default color that the UltraChrome will be set to when the keyer has been defaulted. Once a different color is set for the UltraChrome, that new color remains until the keyer is defaulted, or until a different UltraChrome color is set manually.
- Ultrix Patchbay Control
Allows you to have Ultrix™ map internal (virtual) destinations to switcher inputs. The switcher, and other external controllers, can then use these internal destinations to route any router source to the switcher input.
- Virtual Panel Enable
Allows you to specify whether users can access the virtual panel hosted from the current panel. When enabled (On) a user can connect to the control panel from a web browser and control the panel remotely.
- Virtual Panel Positioner Reset
Allows you to specify whether the positioner on the virtual panel returns to the neutral position automatically (On), or if you have to click the positioner to have it return to the neutral position (Off).
- Wake Up On Command
Allows you to specify whether the control panel will wake from sleep mode when it receives a command from OverDrive®.
- VNC Enable
Allows you to specify whether the VNC server for remote access is enabled or disabled on the panel you are using.