UHDTV1 Support

To output a UHDTV1 video signal the video server requires at least 8 server channels for the JPEG 2000 video processing board or 4 channels for the AVC-Intra video processing board.

When operating in UHDTV1 the server records and plays four (4) 3G video signals (quads) that make up the UHDTV1 video. You can preview all four streams at once from the Quad Viewer in a single down sampled 1080i output.

Note: The Replay Event and File Export features are not available for UHDTV1 at this time.

JPEG 2000

If your server has the JPEG 2000 video processor board, you require 8 video channels to operate in UHDTV1. In UHDTV1 all 8 HD channels are converted into a single UHDTV1 channel transport (ChA). This single UHDTV1 channel transport can be used for playout or record operations.


If your server has the AVC-Intra video processor board, you require either 4, 8, or 12 channels to operate in UHDTV1. The number of UHDTV1 channels depends on the number of HD channels the server has. Each UHDTV1 channel transport can be used for playout or record operations.

  • 4-Channel ― all 4 channels are converted to a single (1) UHDTV1 channel transport (ChA).
  • 8-Channel ― all 8 channels are converted to two (2) UHDTV1 channel transports (ChA, ChB).
  • 12-Channel ― all 12 channels are converted to three (3) UHDTV1 channel transports (ChA, ChB, ChC).