Sending GVG100 LUA Commands to the Switcher
The switcher accepts direct injection of GVG100 commands using LUA via a Telnet connection. This allows you to perform various functions such as querying the switcher for the state of buttons, or sending commands to the switcher, such as transitioning a key.
To Set the Switcher to Editor Mode
Tip: You can quickly turn off editor mode by pressing and holding the MENU
button and pressing PERS.
- Press MENU > Pers.
- Use the Editor knob to select On to allow the switcher to be controlled by an external editor.
GVG100 Command Modes
The switcher supports two modes of operation, a Legacy mode for basic GVG100 commands, and a Ross mode for additional Ross-specific extensions to the protocol.
- Legacy Mode — allows basic control over a single ME (ME 1) and the first two keyers (Key 1 and Key 2) on that ME
- Ross Mode — allows advanced control over multiple MEs, keyers, and aux buses.
To Send GVG Commands to the Switcher
Create a connection to the switcher.
- Telnet — Create a Telnet connection to the switcher on port 2100. The default IP address of the switcher is
- Serial — Open a serial connection to the switcher editor port. Refer to the GV Grass Valley® GVG100 setup sheet for information on connecting to an editor over a serial connection.
At the gvg100> prompt, enter the commands you want to run.
- injectGVG100command("") — Sends a GVG100 command to the switcher.
- print() — Prints the value of any arguments as strings, or prints "nil" if an argument is not a string.
- printhelp() — Prints detailed help on all available commands.
- printhex() — Prints the value of number arguments as hex strings. If the argument is not a number then "nan" is printed. If the argument is not an unsigned integer (a float or a negative number) then "notUInt" is printed.
- setGVG100legacymode() — Switches between GVG100 legacy mode (true) and Ross mode (false) command interpretation.
Example Commands
- setGVGlegacymode(false) — sets Ross Mode.
- injectGVG100command("0501CC501405") — select BKGD and keys 2 and 3 for the Next Trans of ME 2, with a rate of 45.
- injectGVG100command("0300FB1F") — perform fade to black.