Carbonite/Graphite Commands

The switcher can be controlled from a remote editor or computer via RossTalk commands. These commands can be sent to the switcher over an ethernet connection.

Sending RossTalk Commands to Carbonite

Carbonite accepts RossTalk commands over ethernet on port 7788. This allows you to perform various functions such as triggering a GPI, or sending commands to the switcher, such as transitioning a key.

Tip: Carbonite automatically accepts RossTalk commands on port 7788.
Note: RossTalk must be enabled on Graphite ( and RossTalk = Enable).

To Send RossTalk Commands to Carbonite

Note: Each command should be terminated by a carriage return and a line feed (CR/LF).

Commands can be sent directly through a telnet connection or any other application that can send ASCII commands.

  1. Create a network connection to the switcher on port 7788. The default IP address of the switcher is
    Tip: If you are using multiple RossTalk connections, it is recommended that you increment the port number for each device.
  2. At the prompt, enter the commands you want to send.

Carbonite Supported RossTalk Commands

The switcher supports a number of RossTalk commands. The exact commands and how the switcher reacts to the commands is outlined in the following table.

Important: Carbonite, Carbonite eXtreme, Carbonite Black, Carbonite Solo, Mosaic, and UltraChromeHR number MEs as ME 1, ME 2, and ME 3 with the highest number ME being the program ME. Carbonite Ultra numbers MEs as ME 2, ME 1, ME P/P with ME P/P being the program ME. For example, KEYAUTO ME:3:4 triggers an auto transition of key 4 on ME 3 on Carbonite Black, but KEYAUTO ME:P/P:4 performs the same action on Ultra.
Note: All commands are case sensitive.

In the following commands, the ME-source is replaced with the bus source.

  • ME — use ME
  • MiniME — use MME
  • MultiScreen — use MSC
  • Canvas — use MSC
  • Tile — use MME
Table 1. RossTalk Commands
Command Description
CC bcc Executes custom control (cc) on bank (b). For example, CC 1:05 triggers custom control 5 on bank 1.
CKINIT chromakey-number Initialize chroma key engine (chromakey-number).
  • Example: CKINIT 2
  • Result: Initializes chroma key engine 2.
CLIPEJECT Ejects the current clip from the clip player.
CLIPLOAD clip-name Loads the clip (clip-name) into the clip player.
  • Example: CLIPLOAD trees
  • Result: Loads the clip named trees into the clip player.
CLIPLOOPOFF Turns looping off for the clip player.
CLIPLOOPON Turns looping on for the clip player.
CLIPPAUSE Pauses the current clip in the clip player.
CLIPPLAY Plays the current clip loaded in the clip player.
DOWN sequencer Moves the selection of the next item to be run down one event in the sequence loaded in Sequencer (sequencer).
  • Example: DOWN 4
  • Result: Moves the green highlight down an event on the sequence loaded into Sequencer 3.
EXPORTRPMSET name Export the working set and give it a specific name (name).
  • Example: EXPORTRPMSET myset
  • Result: Exports the working set to myset on the USB.
FOCUS sequencer:event Move the selection of the next item to be run to event number (event) loaded in Sequencer (sequencer).
  • Example: FOCUS 3:2
  • Result: Moves the green highlight to event number 2 on the sequence loaded into Sequencer 3.
FTB Performs a fade-to-black transition.
GPI xx Performs the action assigned to the GPI input xx. If the GPI is assigned as an output, no action is performed.
  • Example: GPI 04
  • Result: Triggers GPI input 4.
HELP Prints a list of the supported commands.
KEYAUTO ME-source:ME-number:keyer:ON/OFF Performs an auto transition of keyer number (keyer) on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number) on-air (ON), off-air (OFF), or toggle (omit :ON/OFF).
  • Example 1: KEYAUTO ME:1:4
  • Result 1: Triggers an auto transition of key 4 on ME 1
  • Example 2: KEYAUTO ME:2:1:OFF
  • Result 2: triggers an auto transition of key 1 on ME 2 only if the key is on-air.
KEYAUTOOFF ME-source:ME-number:keyer Performs an auto transition of keyer number (keyer) on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number) to transition the key off-air.
  • Example: KEYAUTOOFF ME:1:4
  • Result: If key 4 is on-air the command triggers an auto transition of key 4 on ME 1. If the key is already off-air, no transition is performed.
KEYAUTOON ME-source:ME-number:keyer Performs an auto transition of keyer number (keyer) on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number) to transition the key on-air.
  • Example: KEYAUTOON ME:1:4
  • Result: If key 4 is off-air the command triggers an auto transition of key 4 on ME 1. If the key is already on-air, no transition is performed.
KEYCUT ME-source:ME-number:keyer:ON/OFF Performs a cut of keyer number (keyer) on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number) on-air (ON), off-air (OFF), or toggle (omit :ON/OFF).
  • Example 1: KEYCUT MME:2:1
  • Result 1: Triggers a cut of key 1 on MiniME output 2
  • Example 2: KEYCUT ME:1:3:ON
  • Result 2: Triggers an cut of key 3 on ME 1 only if the key is off-air.
KEYCUTOFF ME-source:ME-number:keyer Performs a cut of keyer number (keyer) on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number) to transition the key off-air.
  • Example: KEYCUTOFF MME:2:1
  • Result: If key 1 is on-air the command triggers a cut of key 1 on MiniME output 2. If the key is already off-air, no transition is performed.
KEYCUTON ME-source:ME-number:keyer Performs a cut of keyer number (keyer) on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number) to transition the key on-air.
  • Example: KEYCUTON MME:2:1
  • Result: If key 1 is off-air the command triggers a cut of key 1 on MiniME output 2. If the key is already on-air, no transition is performed.
KEYMODE ME-source:ME-number:keyer:mode Sets the key mode (mode) to NORMAL, ADDITIVE, or FULL on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number).
  • Example: KEYMODE ME:2:1:NORMAL
  • Result: Uses the shaped/unshaped setting from the key setup for keyer 1 on ME output 2.
LOADSET name (not supported by Ultra 60, see next) Performs a recall of a set by name (name).
  • Example: LOADSET set1
  • Result: Loads set1 onto the switcher from the USB. Unlike saving or loading a set from the control panel, RossTalk does not support saving or loading of panel personality settings with the setup. Settings such as color schemes or user button assignments are not included with the set.
LOADSET location:name (Ultra 60 Only) Performs a recall of a set by name (name) from a USB (1,2,3) or internal (0) drive (location).
Tip: USB drives in Ultra 60 are assigned a number according to the order they are detected by the OS. USB (1) is first, (2) is second, and (3) is third. The internal drive is (0).
  • Example: LOADSET 1:set1
  • Result: Loads set1 onto the switcher from USB 1. Unlike saving or loading a set from the control panel, RossTalk does not support saving or loading of panel personality settings with the setup. Settings such as color schemes or user button assignments are not included with the set.
MEAUTO ME-source:ME-number Performs an auto transition on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number). The elements included with the transition are set in the next transition area of the switcher.
  • Example: MEAUTO MSC:2
  • Result: Triggers an auto transition on MultiScreen channel 2.
MECUT ME-source:ME-number Performs a cut on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number). The elements included with the transition are set in the next transition area of the switcher.
  • Example: MECUT ME:1
  • Result: Triggers a cut on ME 1.
MEM bm:ME-source :ME-number Performs a recall of memory (m) on bank (b) on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number).
  • Example: MEM 19:ME:2:MME:1
  • Result: Recalls memory 9 on bank 1 of ME 2 and MiniME output 1.
MEMSAVE bm:ME-source :ME-number Performs a store of memory (m) on bank (b) on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number).
  • Example: MEMSAVE 19:ME:2:MME:1
  • Result: Stores memory 9 on bank 1 of ME 2 and MiniME output 1.
MNEM source:new-name Sets a new mnemonic name (new-name) for a video source (source).
  • Example: MNEM IN:6:CAM 1
  • Result: Sets the mnemonic name for input 6 to CAM 1.
MS channel:location:media-ID Loads a still or animation of ID number (media-ID) from a USB (1,2,3) or internal (0) drive (location) into Media​-Store channel number (channel).
Tip: USB drives in Ultra 60 are assigned a number according to the order they are detected by the OS. USB (1) is first, (2) is second, and (3) is third. The internal drive is (0).
  • Example: MS 1:0:002
  • Result: Loads the AnnaCK still (002) from the internal drive (0) to Media​-Store channel 1. If you are using a Mosaic, channels are numbered 101-136.
MVBOX VP|IO:MultiViewer:box:source Selects a video source (source) in a box of number (box) for the Video Processor MultiViewer (VP) or I/O MultiViewer (IO) number MultiViewer.
  • Example: MVBOX VP:1:5:IN:6
  • Result: Selects input 6 in box 5 of Video Processor MultiViewer channel 1. Aux buses can also be selected as sources.
MVBOXSHIFT VP|IO:MultiViewer:box:source Selects a video source (source) in a shifted box of number (box) for the Video Processor MultiViewer (VP) or I/O MultiViewer (IO) number MultiViewer.
  • Example: MVBOXSHIFT VP:1:5:IN:6
  • Result: Selects input 6 in shifted box 5 of the Video Processor MultiViewer channel 1. Aux buses can also be selected as sources.
NEXT sequencer Runs the currently selected item in the sequence loaded into Sequencer (sequencer) and advance the current selection to the next item in the sequence.
  • Example: NEXT 2
  • Result: Runs the selected command in Sequencer 3.
NOOP No operation. Used to keep the connection to the RossTalk device open, if required.
SAVESET name (not supported by Ultra 60, see next) Performs a store of a set by name (name).
  • Example: SAVESET set1
  • Result: Stores the current switcher settings to set1 on the USB. Unlike saving or loading a set from the control panel, RossTalk does not support saving or loading of panel personality settings with the setup. Settings such as color schemes or user button assignments are not included with the set.
SAVESET location:name (Ultra 60 Only) Performs a store of a set by name (name) to a USB (1,2,3) or internal (0) drive (location).
Tip: USB drives in Ultra 60 are assigned a number according to the order they are detected by the OS. USB (1) is first, (2) is second, and (3) is third. The internal drive is (0).
  • Example: SAVESET 0:set1
  • Result: Stores set1 from the switcher to the internal drive. Unlike saving or loading a set from the control panel, RossTalk does not support saving or loading of panel personality settings with the setup. Settings such as color schemes or user button assignments are not included with the set.
SEQI sequencer:seq Loads the sequence (seq) into Sequencer (sequencer).
  • Example: SEQI 3:15
  • Result: Loads sequence 15 into Sequencer 3.
SEQO sequencer Unloads the sequence from Sequencer (sequencer).
  • Example: SEQO 1
  • Result: Unloads any sequence from Sequencer 1.
TRANSINCL ME-source:ME-number:incl:incl:incl Sets the next transition area on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number), to include the background (B) and/or keys (incl).
  • Example: TRANSINCL ME:2:B:2:3
  • Result: Configures the next transition area for ME 2 with BKGD, KEY 2, and KEY 3 selected. Note that any existing selections are lost.
TRANSRATE ME-source:ME-number:rate Sets the transition rate (rate), in frames, on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number).
  • Example: TRANSRATE ME:1:15
  • Result: Sets the ME transition rate for ME 1 to 15 frames.
TRANSTYPE ME-source:ME-number:type Sets the transition type (type), see below, on ME (ME-source) of number (ME-number).
  • DissolveDISS
  • Media WipeMEDIA
  • WipeWIPE
  • Result: Sets the transition type for MultiScreen channel 2 to DISS.
UP sequencer Moves the selection of the next item to be run up one event in the sequence loaded in Sequencer (sequencer).
  • Example: UP 1
  • Result: Moves the green highlight up an event on the sequence loaded into Sequencer 1.
XPT vid-dest:vid-source Selects the video source (vid-source) on the bus (vid-dest).
  • Example 1: XPT ME:2:PGM:IN:6
  • Result 1: Selects input 6 on the Program bus of ME 2; XPT ME:3:KEY:2:IN:20 selects input 20 on Key 2 of ME3
  • Example 2: XPT AUX:2:ME:1:CLN
  • Result 2: Selects the ME 1 clean feed on Aux bus 2. Refer to the information after this table for a list of sources and destinations.

Possible video destinations (vid-dest):

  • Aux BusAUX:aux-number
  • KeyME:ME-number:KEY:key-number
  • MiniMEMME:ME-number
  • PresetME:ME-number:PST
  • ProgramME:ME-number:PGM

Possible video sources (vid-source):

  • Aux BusAUX:aux-number
  • BlackBK (vid-source only)
  • Chroma Key AlphaCKA:chroma key number (UltraChromeHR, Carbonite Black v14.0 or higher only, or Carbonite Ultra)
  • Chroma Key VideoCK:chroma key number (UltraChromeHR, Carbonite Black v14.0 or higher only, or Carbonite Ultra)
  • Clean FeedCLN
  • Clip PlayerCLIP
  • Input SourceIN:input-number
    Tip: On Graphite and the CBF-113 (Carbonite Solo 13) the HDMI input is IN:13 and on the CBF-109 (Carbonite Solo) the HDMI inputs are IN:7, IN:8, and IN:9 for HDMI inputs 1-3 respectively.
  • Matte ColorBG (vid-source only)
  • ME BackgroundME:ME-number:BKGD
  • ME CleanME:ME-number:CLN (vid-source only)
  • Media​-StoreMS:channel-number
  • ME Key AlphaME:ME-number:KEY:key-number:A
  • ME Key VideoME:ME-number:KEY:key-number:V
  • ME MediaWipe AlphaME:ME-number:MWA
  • ME MediaWipeME:ME-number:MW
  • ME PresetME:ME-number:PST
  • ME PreviewME:ME-number:PV
  • ME ProgramME:ME-number:PGM
  • MiniME BackgroundMME:ME-number:BKGD
  • MiniME Combined KeyMME:ME-number:CMB
  • MiniME Key AlphaMME:ME-number:KEY:key-number:A
  • MiniME Key VideoMME:ME-number:KEY:key-number:V
  • MiniME PresetMME:ME-number:PST
  • MiniME PreviewMME:ME-number:PV
  • MiniME ProgramMME:ME-number:PGM
  • PreviewPV
  • ProgramPGM
  • XPression (alpha)XP:channel-number:A (Graphite only)
  • XPression (video)XP:channel-number:V (Graphite only)