Vinten Radamec Broadcast Robotics®

This setup information applies to the Vinten Radamec Broadcast Robotics® AutoCam 200 Fusion, HS-102p, HS-105p, HK 185, and HK 431 camera control panels.

Cable Connections

The AutoCam 200 and Fusion connect to the switcher over a standard ethernet connection.

The HS-102p, HS-105p, HK 185, and HK 431 connect to the switcher over an RS-422 serial connection to a DB9 port on the switcher and a DB9 port on the device.

Table 1. Switcher to HS-102p/HS-105p/HK 185/HK 431 Cable Connections
Acuity (Remote Port) HS-102p / HS-105p HK 185 HK 431
2 (Rx-) 8 (Tx-) 4 (Tx-) 5 (Tx-)
3 (Tx+) 2 (Rx+) 9 (Rx+) 8 (Rx+)
7 (Rx+) 7 (Tx+) 5 (Tx+) 4 (Tx+)
8 (Tx-) 3 (Rx-) 8 (Rx-) 9 (Rx-)

Switcher Setup

The switcher must be set up to communicate with the robotic camera using either serial or ethernet protocols, as well as associate the video inputs that are coming into the switcher from the camera with the specific robotic camera they are coming from.

To Set Up Communications for the AutoCam 200/Fusion

  1. Press HOME > Setup > Installation > Com Setup
  2. Press Type and use the Com Port knob to select the net port that you want to set up for the device.
  3. Use the Device knob to select Robotic Cam.
  4. Press Select Device and use the Device knob to select Vinten.
  5. Press Com Type and use the Type knob to select Network TCP.
  6. Press Com Settings and use the Client/Server knob to select Client and enter the IP Settings.
    IP Setting Value
    Remote IP Address (IP of device)
    Remote Port 11239
    Local IP Address
    Local Port 0
  7. Press Extra Options and use the Option and Value knobs to set the device parameters.
    Option Value
    Protocol Level 0 (default)
  8. Press HOME > Confirm.

To Set Up Communications for the HS-102p/HS-105p

  1. Press HOME > Setup > Installation > Com Setup
  2. Press Type and use the Com Port knob to select the remote port that you want to set up for the device.
  3. Use the Device knob to select Robotic Cam.
  4. Press Select Device and use the Device knob to select Vinten_S.
  5. Press Com Type and use the Type knob to select RS-422.
  6. Press Com Settings and use the Baud and Parity knobs to select 2400 (Baud) and NONE (Parity).
  7. Press HOME > Confirm.

To Set Up Communications for the HK 185/HK 431

  1. Press HOME > Setup > Installation > Com Setup
  2. Press Type and use the Com Port knob to select the remote port that you want to set up for the device.
  3. Use the Device knob to select Robotic Cam.
  4. Press Select Device and use the Device knob to select Radamec.
  5. Press Com Type and use the Type knob to select RS-422.
  6. Press Com Settings and use the Baud and Parity knobs to select 9600 (Baud) and ODD (Parity).
  7. Press Extra Options and use the Option and Value knobs to set the device parameters.
    Option Value
    Panel ID 5 (default)
    Poll All (default)
    Pan/Tilt Damping 5 (default)
    Pan/Tilt Speed 64 (default)
    Zoom Speed 40 (default)
    Focus Speed 15 (default)
    Z Speed 64 (default)
  8. Press HOME > Confirm.

To Set Up a Video Input

  1. Press HOME > Setup > Installation > Source Configuration > Input Type.
  2. Use the Input knob to select the input source that is coming from the camera.
  3. In the Input Type area, select Robotic Camera.
  4. Press More.
  5. Press Camera Setup and use the Controller knob to select the camera that the video source is coming from.
  6. Use the Port knob to select the port on the camera controller that you are connecting to.
  7. Press Camera Options and use the Option and Value to set the camera parameters.
    Option Value
    Pan Invert Invert the direction that the camera moves when using the positioner (Yes), or not (No).
    Tilt Invert Invert the direction that the camera moves when using the positioner (Yes), or not (No).
    Zoom Invert Invert the direction that the camera zooms when using the positioner (Yes), or not (No).
    Focus Invert Invert the focus direction when using the positioner (Yes), or not (No).
    Iris Invert Invert the iris direction when using the positioner (Yes), or not (No).
    X Invert Invert the direction that the camera moves in the X-axis when using the positioner (Yes), or not (No).
    Y Invert Invert the direction that the camera moves in the Y-axis when using the positioner (Yes), or not (No).
    Z Invert Invert the direction that the camera moves in the Z-axis when using the positioner (Yes), or not (No).
  8. Press More.
  9. Press Channel Name and enter a new name for the camera and press Accept New Name.

    This allows you to override the mnemonic name of the camera source with a name that is specific to the camera.

  10. Press HOME > Confirm.

Device Setup

The device must be set up to communicate with the switcher using the same serial or ethernet communications as you set the switcher up to use.

Note: This information in this procedure is provided as a guide and is based on the current version of hardware and software that was available at the time of testing. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, refer to the documentation that came with your device.

To Set Up Serial Communication

When assigning a BNC to the AutoCam 200, ensure that the BNC Name on the switcher matches the Device Name of the camera you are connecting to. If they are not named the same, you cannot communicate properly with the camera.

The switcher can only connect to and control one AutoCam 200 at a time.

The switcher can access a maximum of 64 shows, and 1024 shots per show, on 32 devices.

Camera shots cannot be stored directly on the HS-102p/HS-105p, instead, the camera shot information is stored on the switcher.