Ultrix Patchbay

The Ultrix patchbay allows you to have Ultrix map internal (virtual) destinations to switcher inputs. The switcher, and other external controllers, can then use these internal destinations to route any router source to the switcher input.

The patchbay is not operated by the switcher but allows the router to assign sources to switcher inputs. This can be useful for tieline setups or source redundancy and allows the router to manage source routing without having to manage changes for the switcher inputs as well.

Note: The Ultrix Patchbay Control Personality option must be set to On for the input patchbay to function. Refer to Ultrix Patchbay Control for information on setting the personality option.
Note: The Probel SW-P-08 service must be enabled on the Ultrix router.

When the personality option is active, the patchbay (internal) destinations in the router are assigned to the switcher inputs. This is done on a one-to-one bases where destination Ultrix-5ru.slot0.swbus-out[1].sdi.ch1 is mapped to switcher Input 001, ...swbus-out[2]... is mapped to In 002, and so on. This is a virtual mapping that allows the router to track the switcher inputs and change the sources being fed to them if needed.

Tip: The patchbay destination that is assigned to a switcher input is shown on the Source Configuration menu (Press HOME > Setup > Installation > Source Configuration) as Ultrix Dest: for the selected Input.
Tip: The patchbay destination ports are found under slot0:internal on the Destinations page of Ultrix.