MIDI Device OID List

The OID for the MIDI device is made of a number of parts separated by a period. These parts identify things like the device class (audiomixer), audio source, audio destination, and control function.

For example, the OID audiomixer.aux.2.sdi2.volume translates to device class (audiomixer), audio destination (aux.2), audio source (sdi2), and control function (volume). This is a continuous input that allows you to control the volume of SDI 2 on the Aux 2 out.

Note: As this interface has not been tested with many MIDI controllers, unpredictability can arise. In some cases it may help to restart the switcher or reset the OIDs by altering the OID, press Enter, and then set the OID back.
Table 1. Audio Mixer OIDs
Target Syntax Description
Assignable Audio Channels audiomixer​.main.audio1.volume Volume for assignable audio channel 1 input on the Main layer. Replace audio1 with the assignable audio channel you want to set the volume for. Replace main with the Aux layer you want set the volume for (aux.1-aux.12).
Output Mix audiomixer​.output.main.volume Primary volume for the Main layer. Replace main with the Aux layer you want set the volume for (aux.1-aux.12) or the Monitor output (monitor).
Assignable Audio Channel audiomixer​.main.audio1.pan Balance for assignable audio channel 1 input on the Main layer. Replace audio1 with the assignable audio channel you want to set the balance for. Replace main with the Aux layer you want set the balance for (aux.1-aux.12).
Equalization (EQ)
EQ Channel Select audiomixer​.eqchannelselect Select the audio channel that you want to set the EQ for. This oid is assigned to a button on the same strip as that audio channel you want to EQ. This tells the mixer that the EQ values are to be applied to the selected audio channel.
EQ Bypass audiomixer​.eqbypasscommon Bypass the equalization for the selected audio channel.
Low Shelf Gain audiomixer​.lowshelfgaincommon Gain setting for the Low Shelf EQ of the selected audio channel.
Midrange 1 Gain audiomixer​.midrange1gaincommon Gain setting for the Midrange 1 EQ of the selected audio channel.
Midrange 2 Gain audiomixer​.midrange2gaincommon Gain setting for the Midrange 2 EQ of the selected audio channel.
High Shelf Gain audiomixer​.highshelfgaincommon Gain setting for the High Shelf EQ of the selected audio channel.
Low Shelf Max Frequency (linear) audiomixer​.lowshelfmaxfreqcommon Maximum Frequency setting for the Low Shelf EQ of the selected audio channel. Frequency selection is performed on a linear scale.
Midrange 1 Center Frequency (linear) audiomixer​.midrange1centerfreqcommon Center Frequency setting for the Midrange 1 EQ of the selected audio channel. Frequency selection is performed on a linear scale.
Midrange 2 Center Frequency (linear) audiomixer​.midrange2centerfreqcommon Center Frequency setting for the Midrange 2 EQ of the selected audio channel. Frequency selection is performed on a linear scale.
Midrange 1 Q (linear) audiomixer​.midrange1qcommon Q Ratio setting for the Midrange 1 EQ of the selected audio channel. Ratio selection is performed on a linear scale.
Midrange 2 Q (linear) audiomixer​.midrange2qcommon Q Ratio setting for the Midrange 2 EQ of the selected audio channel. Ratio selection is performed on a linear scale.
High Shelf Minimum Frequency (linear) audiomixer​.highshelfminfreqcommon Minimum Frequency setting for the High Shelf EQ of the selected audio channel. Frequency selection is performed on a linear scale.
Low Shelf Max Frequency (scaled) audiomixer​.lowshelfmaxfreqscaledcommon Maximum Frequency setting for the Low Shelf EQ of the selected audio channel. Frequency selection is performed on a non-linear scale.
Midrange 1 Center Frequency (scaled) audiomixer​.midrange1centerfreqscaledcommon Center Frequency setting for the Midrange 1 EQ of the selected audio channel. Frequency selection is performed on a non-linear scale.
Midrange 2 Center Frequency (scaled) audiomixer​.midrange2centerfreqscaledcommon Center Frequency setting for the Midrange 2 EQ of the selected audio channel. Frequency selection is performed on a non-linear scale.
Midrange 1 Q (scaled) audiomixer​.midrange1qscaledcommon Q Ratio setting for the Midrange 1 EQ of the selected audio channel. Ratio selection is performed on a non-linear scale.
Midrange 2 Q (scaled) audiomixer​.midrange2qscaledcommon Q Ratio setting for the Midrange 2 EQ of the selected audio channel. Ratio selection is performed on a non-linear scale.
High Shelf Minimum Frequency (scaled) audiomixer​.highshelfminfreqscaledcommon Minimum Frequency setting for the High Shelf EQ of the selected audio channel. Frequency selection is performed on a non-linear scale.
Compressor / Limiter (C/L)
C/L Channel Select audiomixer​.clchannelselect Select the audio channel that you want to set the C/L for. This oid is assigned to a button on the same strip as that audio channel you want to C/L. This tells the mixer that the C/L values are to be applied to the selected audio channel.
C/L Threshold audiomixer​.thresholdscaledcommon The level at which the compressor starts to be applied.
C/L Attack audiomixer​.attackcontrolscaledcommon The amount of time you want to pass between the level surpassing the threshold and the full compression ratio being applied
C/L Compression audiomixer​.compressionscaledcommon The ratio for the amount of compression you want to apply.
C/L Release audiomixer​.releasecontrolscaledcommon The amount of time you want to pass between the level falling below the threshold and the compression ratio returning to 1:1 (no compression applied).
C/L Makeup audiomixer​.makeupgainscaledcommon Increase the gain of the audio after compression.
C/L Bypass audiomixer​.clbypasscommon Bypass the equalization for the selected audio channel.
Analog audiomixer​.abm1.1.gain Gain for the Analog 1 input. Replace abm1.1 with the analog port on the ABU you want to set the gain for (abm1.1-abm3.8). For example, abm2.5 is the Analog 5 input port on ABU 2.
Analog audiomixer​.abm1.1.pad Toggle pad for analog 1 input on ABU 1. Replace abm1.1 with the analog port on the ABU you want to set pad for (abm1.1-abm3.8). For example, abm2.5 is the Analog 5 input port on ABU 2.
Phantom Power
Analog audiomixer​.abm1.1.phantompower Toggle phantom power for the analog 1 input port on ABU a. Replace abm1.1 with the analog port on the ABU you want to set phantom power for (abm1.1-abm3.8). For example, abm2.5 is the Analog 5 input port on ABU 2.
Assignable Audio Channel audiomixer​.main.audio1.mute Toggle mute for assignable audio channel 1 input on the Main layer. Replace audio1 with the assignable audio channel want to set mute for. Replace main with the Aux layer you want set mute for (aux.1-aux.12).
Assignable Audio Channel audiomixer​.main.audio1.solo Toggle solo for assignable audio channel 1 input on the Main layer. Replace audio1 with the assignable audio channel input you want to set solo for. Replace main with the Aux layer you want set solo for (aux.1-aux.12).
Clear Solo
Main audiomixer​.output.main.clearsolo Clear solo for all sources on Main layer.
Monitor audiomixer​.output.monitor.clearsolo Clear solo for all sources on Monitor layer.
Aux audiomixer​.output.aux.1.clearsolo Clear solo for all sources on the Aux layers. Replace Aux.1 with the Aux layer you want set solo for (aux.1-aux.12).
Assignable Audio Channel audiomixer​.aux.1.audio1.pre Toggle pre fader for assignable audio channel 1 input on the Aux 1 layer. Replace audio1 with the assignable audio channel input you want to set pre for. Replace aux.1 with the Aux layer you want set pre for (aux.1-aux.12).
Assignable Audio Channel audiomixer​.audio1.pfl Toggle PFL for assignable audio channel 1. Replace audio1 with the assignable audio channel input you want to set solo for (sdi1-sdi12).
Clear PFL
All audiomixer​.clearpfl Clear PFL on all sources.