To Assign an Output Processor to an Output

If you do not have all the CUF3-ADD-​I/OPLUS options installed, you must assign an Output Processor to the Output that you want to apply video processing to.

  1. Click Navigation Menu > Configuration > Reference > Output Proc.

    Tip: The number of used Output Processors is shown at the top of the menu.
  2. Click the Output Proc X button for the Output Processor that you want to apply to an output. Video outputs are arranged by the slot the board is in and the I/O Group on that board that the output is in. For example, IO Group 2:2 represents outputs 5-8 in I/O Group 2 on the board in slot 2.

  3. Assign the selected Output Processor to the video output you want to apply video processing to.
    Tip: Menus show the mnemonic name and not the actual designation shown on the output BNC. Refer to the Output menu for the mapping of physical outputs to mnemonic names.