High Dynamic Range (HDR) and Wide Color Gamut (WCG) Conversion

The RGB color correctors are used to convert between different SDR and HDR ranges and between color gamuts (WCG).

Note: You must have available color correctors to be able perform the HDR/WCG conversion.
Note: Media items must be created in the same color gamut and dynamic range that they are intended to be used in on the switcher. If a media item is created in one color space and the switcher is operating in another, the media item may not appear correctly.

HDR and WCG conversion can be applied on the fly to input video signals or aux bus outputs.

Tip: You can use the RBG Color converter to convert between SDR and HLG1200 dynamic ranges.

To configure the dynamic range and color gamut conversion of input sources you must apply a color corrector to the input. This will convert the input source to the format that the switcher is operating in. Video signals can again be converted for individual output BNCs.

Supported Color Gamuts:
  • BT.709 — color gamut recommended for HD video signals.
  • BT.2020 — wide color gamut recommended for UHDTV1 video signals.
Supported Dynamic Ranges
  • SDR — Standard Dynamic Range.
  • HLG — Hybrid Log Gamma.
  • PQ — Perceptual Quantizer.
  • S-Log3Sony® S-Log3.