Ross Platform Manager Connections

Ross Platform Manager can store and load configurations onto your switcher remotely, as well as provide software licenses. This allows for a centralized management of system configurations and software options.

A Ross Platform Manager (RPM) server can connect to the switcher over ethernet to download the working set or upload a new working set over FTP, as well as allow the switcher to request software licenses. An uploaded working set is immediately applied to the switcher when it is detected.

Note: RPM cannot recall the RPM Licensing set to request or release RPM Licenses on the switcher.

Refer to the RPM documentation for more information on orchestration.

Note: RPM Orchestration is set up on the RPM server by adding the IP address of the switcher you want to control. RPM Licensing is set up on the switcher by adding the IP address of the RPM that you want to get licenses from. Refer to Ross Platform Manager Licensing for more information on RPM Licensing.