
Keep the following in mind:

Keep the following in mind when working with Media​-Store:

  • A still, animation, or audio can be loaded either by browsing the file system, or by entering the still number using the pattern buttons.
  • You can clear a Media​-Store channel by loading media number 000.
  • If you are loading an Auto Key into a Media​-Store channel, you must have another Media​-Store channel associated with the current one to load the alpha into.
  • An FTP connection using RossLinq can be created from an external device directly to a Media​-Store channel on the switcher.
  • If you delete a media item from the USB, you may have to load that media item into a Media​-Store channel for the switcher to prompt you to delete the media item from the database.
  • Media items must be created in the same color gamut and dynamic range that they are intended to be used in on the switcher. If a media item is created in one color space and the switcher is operating in another, the media item may not appear correctly.
  • If you delete or rename a media item using the file system, you must attempt to load the old file to clear that entry from the database.
  • Media​-Store attributes are stored in the database for a media item. These are the default settings that will be used every time that media item is loaded into a media channel. When a media item is loaded into a channel you can override the database settings. These override settings are only applied to the media item while it is loaded into the media channel and are not stored to the database entry.
  • You can only change the X and Y position of a media item that is smaller than the full size of the screen.