
Event Location Description
MultiViewer Box — Apply to All MultiViewer > Box > MV Box Apply To All Apply the configurations for the selected box to all boxed on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Box button and select the box that you want perform the event on.
  3. Click Apply to All.
MultiViewer Box — Aspect Ratio Markers MultiViewer > Box > MV Box Aspect Ratio Select whether aspect ratio markers are shown for the selected box on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Box button and select the box that you want perform the event on.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Click a Value button and select whether aspect ratio markers are shown (On) or not (Off).
MultiViewer Box — Border MultiViewer > Box > MV Box Border Mode Select the type of border you want to apply to the selected box on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Box button and select the box that you want perform the event on.
  3. Click a Border Mode button and select whether the border around the selected box is white (White), black (Black), or if there is no border (Off).
MultiViewer Box — Green Tally (Preview) MultiViewer > Box > MV Box Preview Tally Select whether a green (preview) tally is shown for the selected box on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Box button and select the box that you want perform the event on.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Click a Value button and select whether a green tally is shown on the selected box (On) or not (Off).
MultiViewer Box — Label MultiViewer > Box > MV Box Label Select whether the source label is on or off for the selected box on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Box button and select the box that you want perform the event on.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Click a Value button and select whether the label on the selected box is on (On) or not (Off).
MultiViewer Box — Label Mode MultiViewer > Box > MV Box Label Mode Select what source name is shown on the label for the selected box on the selected MultiViewer. This event only applies to the Carbonite eXtreme.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Box button and select the box that you want perform the event on.
MultiViewer Box — Label Position MultiViewer > Box > MV Box Label Position Select the position of the source label for the selected box on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Box button and select the box that you want perform the event on.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Click a Value button and select whether the label on the selected box is at the top (Top) or bottom (Bottom).
MultiViewer Box — Label Transparency MultiViewer > MV Label Transp Select transparency for the background behind the source labels on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  3. Enter the amount of transparency in the Value (%) field.
MultiViewer Box — Red Tally (On-Air) MultiViewer > Box > MV Box On-Air Tally Select whether a red (on-air) tally is shown for the selected box on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Box button and select the box that you want perform the event on.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Click a Value button and select whether a red tally is shown on the selected box (On) or not (Off).
MultiViewer Box — Video Source MultiViewer > Box > MV Box Source Assign a source to one of the boxes on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Box button and select the box that you want perform the event on.
  3. Click the Value button and select the source that you want to assign to the box.
MultiViewer — Clip MultiViewer > MV Keyer Clip Select the amount of clipping to be applied to the overlay source on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  3. Enter the amount of clipping to be applied in the Value field.
MultiViewer Clock — Background Color (HSL) MultiViewer > Clock > MV Clock (HSL Color) Select the custom color for the background of the clock on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Clock Area button and select Background.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Click the Component button and select the HSL component you want to assign a value to. A value should be applied to all three components.
  5. Enter a value for the selected component in the Value (%) field.
MultiViewer Clock — Background Color (Preset) MultiViewer > Clock > MV Clock (Preset Color) Select a preset color for the background of the clock on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click Background.
  3. Click the Color button and select the color you want to use.
MultiViewer Clock — Countdown Timer Direction MultiViewer > Clock > Countdown Timer Direction Select the direction you want to countdown timer to count in.
  1. Click the Timer button and select the timer you want to configure.
  2. Click a Timer Direction button to select whether the timer counts down from a preset value (Down), up from zero (Up), or down from a preset value and then up from zero (Down > Up).
MultiViewer Clock — Countdown Timer Reset MultiViewer > Clock > Countdown Timer Reset Reset the selected timer.
  1. Click the Timer Reset button and select the timer you want to reset.
MultiViewer Clock — Countdown Timer State MultiViewer > Clock > Countdown Timer State Select the direction you want to countdown timer to count in.
  1. Click the Timer button and select the timer you want to configure.
  2. Click a Timer State button to select whether to send the pause (Pause), or start (Run) command to the timer.
MultiViewer Clock — Foreground Color (HSL) MultiViewer > Clock > MV Clock (HSL Color) Select the custom color for the lettering of the clock on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Clock Area button and select Foreground.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Click the Component button and select the HSL component you want to assign a value to. A value should be applied to all three components.
  5. Enter a value for the selected component in the Value (%) field.
MultiViewer Clock — Foreground Color (Preset) MultiViewer > Clock > MV Clock (Preset Color) Select a preset color for the lettering of the clock on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click Foreground.
  3. Click the Color button and select the color you want to use.
MultiViewer Clock — Format MultiViewer > Clock > MV Clock Format Select the hour format for the clock on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click a Value button and select whether the clock shows 24-hour (24-Hours), 12-hour with am/pm (12-Hour AM/PM), or simple 12-hour (12-Hour) clock.
MultiViewer Clock — Mode MultiViewer > Clock > MV Clock Mode Select whether the clock shows timecode or system time on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click a Clock Mode button and select whether the clock shows timecode (Timecode), system time (System), a countdown timer (CountDown), or is off (Off).
MultiViewer Clock — MV Timer MultiViewer > Clock > MV Timer Select which countdown timer you want a MultiViewer to use.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Timer button and select the timer (1-5) that you want to assign to the selected MultiViewer.
MultiViewer Clock — Size MultiViewer > Clock > MV Clock Param Select the size of the clock on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click Clock Size.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the size of the clock in the Value (%) field.
MultiViewer Clock — Timecode Frame Count MultiViewer > Clock > MV Clock Frame Count Select whether number of frames for a timecode are shown on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  3. Click a Value button and select whether the frame count is shown (On) or not (Off).
MultiViewer Clock — Timer Set Time (Minutes) MultiViewer > Clock > Timer Set Times Set the starting time in minutes for the timer.
  1. Click the Timer button and select the timer you want to configure.
  2. Click Set Time (Minutes).
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. In the Value field, enter the number of minutes that you want to start the timer at.
MultiViewer Clock — Timer Set Time (Seconds) MultiViewer > Clock > Timer Set Times Set the starting time in seconds for the timer.
  1. Click the Timer button and select the timer you want to configure.
  2. Click Set Time (Seconds).
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. In the Value field, enter the number of seconds (0-59) that you want to start the timer at. If you want a value that is larger than 59 seconds you must insert a command for minutes and then a command for seconds.
MultiViewer Clock — X-Position MultiViewer > Clock > MV Clock Param Select the horizontal position of the clock on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click Clock X-Pos.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the horizontal position of the clock in the Value (%) field.
MultiViewer Clock — Y-Position MultiViewer > Clock > MV Clock Param Select the vertical position of the clock on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click Clock Y-Pos.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the vertical position of the clock in the Value (%) field.
MultiViewer — Follow MultiViewer > MV Follow Select whether a MultiViewer follows the layout of a MultiScreen.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click a Follow button to select which MultiScreen the MultiViewer will follow or select Off to have the MultiViewer operate normally.
MultiViewer — FSFC Label MultiViewer > MV FSFC Label Select whether FSFC is shown on the label on the selected MultiViewer when a source has an FSFC applies to it.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  3. Click a Value button to select whether FSFC is shown on the label (On) or not (Off).
MultiViewer — Layout MultiViewer > MV Layout Select a layout for the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Layout button and select the layout you want to use.
MultiViewer — Overlay MultiViewer > MV Overlay Select whether the MultiViewer overlay is turned on or not.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  3. Click a Value button to select whether the overlay is turned on (On) or not (Off).
MultiViewer — Shift MultiViewer > MV Shift Select whether the sources on the selected MultiViewer are shifted, or not.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  3. Click a Value button to select whether the MultiViewer shows the shifted sources (On) or not (Off).
MultiViewer — Shift Panel MultiViewer > MV Shift Panel Select which control panel the MultiViewer shift is following. When Shift is press on the selected panel, the selected MultiViewer shifts.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click Panel and click the control panel you want to shift to follow or click Off to have shift not follow any panel.
MultiViewer — Tally Display MultiViewer > MV Tally Display Select how the tallies are shown on the selected MultiViewer.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click a Tally Display button to select whether tallies are shown as a border around the box (Box), as boxes on either side of the label (Label), or as boxes on either side of the label but swapped (Label Reverse).
MultiViewerViewControl Shift MultiViewer > View Control Shift Select whether the ViewControl sources are shifted, or not.
  1. Click a MultiViewer button to select which MultiViewer you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  3. Click a Value button to select whether ViewControl shows the shifted sources (On) or not (Off).