
Event Location Description
Matte Color, Reset Switcher > Matte > Matte Color Reset Reset the matte color for the selected ME or aux.
  1. Click the ME/Matte button for the ME or aux that you want to perform the event on.
  2. For an ME, click the Matte button and select Matte.
Matte Color (HSL) >Switcher > Matte > Matte Color (HSL) Select the custom matte color for the selected ME or aux. Each component of the HSL color must be inserted individually.
  1. Click the ME/Matte button for the ME or aux that you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Matte button and select Matte.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Click the Component button and select the HSL component you want to assign a value to. A value should be applied to all three components.
  5. Enter a value for the selected component in the Value (%) field.
Matte Color (Preset) >Switcher > Matte > Matte Color (Preset) Select a preset matte color for the selected ME or aux.
  1. Click the Matte button and select Matte.
  2. Click the Color button and select the color you want to use.