Switcher Installation

Event Location Description
AES Output Switcher Installation > Output > AES Assign an audio stream to an AES output.
  1. Click the AES button for the AES output you want to assign an audio stream to.
  2. Click the Value button and select the audio stream you want to assign to the AES output.
Ancillary Data Mode Switcher Installation > Ancillary Mode Select how the switcher will strip or pass ancillary data.
  1. Click a Value button to select whether ancillary data is stripped (Strip), or passed (Pass).
Clean Feed Switcher Installation > ME > ME Clean Feed Select the clean feed location for the selected ME.
  1. Click the ME button for the ME that you want to perform the event on.
  2. Click the Before Keyer button and select the key you want the clean feed output to be taken before.
Color Corrector Color Reset Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Color Corrector R/G/B Reset Reset the values for the selected color corrector color channel(s).
  1. Click the Color button and select the individual color component (Red, Green, Blue) you want to adjust, or RGB for all of them.
Color Corrector Enable Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Color Corrector Enable Enable a Color Corrector for a video input or output.
  1. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  2. Click a Value button to select whether to enable the color corrector (On) or disable the color corrector (Off).
Color Corrector Gain Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Color Corrector Param Adjust the Gain for the selected color corrector.
  1. Click the Color button and select the individual color component (Red, Green, Blue) you want to adjust, or RGB for all of them.
  2. Click the Parameter button and select Gain.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the new gain value in the Value field.
Color Corrector Gamma Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Color Corrector Param Adjust the Offset for the selected color corrector.
  1. Click the Color button and select the individual color component (Red, Green, Blue) you want to adjust, or RGB for all of them.
  2. Click the Parameter button and select Gamma Value.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the new gamma value in the Value field.
Color Corrector Gamma Offset Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Color Corrector Param Adjust the Gamma Offset for the selected color corrector.
  1. Click the Color button and select the individual color component (Red, Green, Blue) you want to adjust, or RGB for all of them.
  2. Click the Parameter button and select Gamma Offset.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the new gamma offset value in the Value field.
Color Corrector Lower Offset Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Color Corrector Param Adjust the Lower Offset for the selected color corrector.
  1. Click the Color button and select the individual color component (Red, Green, Blue) you want to adjust, or RGB for all of them.
  2. Click the Parameter button and select Lower Offset.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the new lower offset value in the Value field.
Color Corrector Offset Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Color Corrector Param Adjust the Offset for the selected color corrector.
  1. Click the Color button and select the individual color component (Red, Green, Blue) you want to adjust, or RGB for all of them.
  2. Click the Parameter button and select Offset.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the new offset value in the Value field.
Color Corrector Reset Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Color Corrector Reset Reset the values for the selected color corrector.
Color Gamut, Input Switcher Installation > Input > Input Color Gamut Select the color gamut that video input is in.
  1. Click the Input button and select the input BNC that you want to set the color gamut for.
  2. Click a Value button to select the whether the input is in BT.709 (709) or BT.2020 (2020).
Color Gamut, Output Switcher Installation > Output > Output Color Gamut Select the color gamut that video output is in.
  1. Click the Output button and select the output BNC that you want to set the color gamut for.
  2. Click a Value button to select the whether the output is in BT.709 (709) or BT.2020 (2020).
Color Gamut, Switcher Switcher Installation > Reference > Switcher Color Gamut Select the color gamut that the switcher will operate in.
  1. Click a Gamut button to select the whether the switcher operates in BT.709 (709) or BT.2020 (2020).
Disable Audio Memories Switcher Installation > Disable Audio Memories Disable the inclusion of audio attributes in memories.
  1. Click a Value button to select whether audio is included with memory recalls (On), or not (Off).
Dynamic Range, Input Switcher Installation > Input > Input Dynamic Range Select the dynamic range that a video input is in.
  1. Click the Input button and select the input BNC that you want to set the dynamic range for.
  2. Click a Value button to select the dynamic range that the input is in.
Dynamic Range, Output Switcher Installation > Output > Output Dynamic Range Select the dynamic range that a video output is in.
  1. Click the Output button and select the output BNC that you want to set the dynamic range for.
  2. Click a Value button to select the dynamic range that the output is in.
Dynamic Range, Switcher Switcher Installation > Reference > Switcher Dynamic Range Select the dynamic range that the switcher will operate in.
  1. Click a Dynamic Range button to select the dynamic range that the switcher operates in.
Frame Delay Switcher Installation > Input > Frame Delay Assign a Frame Delay to an input.
  1. Click the Input button and select the input BNC that you want to assign an frame delay to.
  2. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  3. In the Value field, enter the value of the frame delay you want to apply.
FSFC Assignment Switcher Installation > Input FSFC Assign Assign an FSFC to an input BNC. This event is only available if you have fewer FSFCs than inputs.
  1. Click the FSFC button and select the FSFC resource that you want to assign to an input.
  2. Click the Assignment button and select the input that you want to assign the selected FSFC to.
Input FSFC Assignment Switcher Installation > Input > Input Type Assign an FSFC to an input.
  1. Click the Input button and select the input BNC that you want to assign an FSFC to.
  2. Click a ValueType button to assign an FSFC to the input or select (SDI Off) to turn the FSFC off.
Input FSFC Framing Switcher Installation > Input > Input Framing Select the video framing that is applied to the converted video input.
  1. Click the Input button and select the input BNC that you want to assign the framing to.
  2. Click a Type button for the input FSFC that is being used.
  3. Click a Value button to assign a type of framing to the input.
ME Follow Switcher Installation > ME > ME Follow Select whether an ME or MiniME follows another ME or MiniME.
  1. Click the ME button and select the area you want to have follow another area.
  2. Click a Follow button to select the ME or MiniME that you want to follow the selected area.
Output Assignment Switcher Installation > Output > Output Assignment Assign a source to the selected output BNC.
  1. Click the Output button and select the output BNC that you want to assign a source to.
  2. Click the Source button and select the source that you want to assign to the selected output BNC.
Proc Amp/Color Corrector Reset Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Proc Amp / Color Corrector Reset Reset the values for the selected proc amp or color corrector.
Proc Amp Enable Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Proc Amp Enable Enable a Proc Amp for a video input or output.
  1. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  2. Click a Value button to select whether to enable the proc amp (On) or disable the proc amp (Off).
Proc Amp Gain Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Proc Amp Param Adjust the gain of a color component for the selected proc amp.
  1. Click the Component button and select the color component you want to adjust the gain for.
  2. Click the Parameter button and select Gain.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the new gain value in the Value field.
Proc Amp Gamma Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Proc Amp Param Adjust the Gamma for the selected proc amp.
  1. Click the Component button and select YCrCb.
  2. Click the Parameter button and select Gamma.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the new gamma value in the Value field.
Proc Amp Gamma Offset Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Proc Amp Param Adjust the Gamma for the selected proc amp.
  1. Click the Component button and select YCrCb.
  2. Click the Parameter button and select Gamma Offset.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the new gamma offset value in the Value field.
Proc Amp Hue Rotation Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Proc Amp Hue Rot Adjust the Hue for the selected proc amp.
  1. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  2. Enter a new hue rotation value in the Value field.
Proc Amp Offset Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Proc Amp Param Adjust the offset of a color component for the selected proc amp.
  1. Click the Component button and select the color component you want to adjust the offset for.
  2. Click the Parameter button and select Offset.
  3. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  4. Enter the new offset value in the Value field.
Proc Amp Reset Switcher Installation > Proc Amp/Color Corrector > Proc Amp Reset Reset the values for the selected proc amp.
Source Substitution, Bus Switcher Installation > Source Substitution > Source Bus Subst Set a bus source substitution for the substitution table.
  1. Click the Source button and select the source that you want to set a substitution for.
  2. Click the ME button and select the area that the bus you want to set up the substitution for is on.
  3. Click the Bus/Keyer button and select the bus (Background or Preset) or keyer for the substitution.
  4. If you selected Keyer, click the Bus button and select the video (Video) or alpha (Alpha) bus that you want to substitute for
  5. Click the Subst button and select the source you want to substitute for the selected source.
Source Substitution, Delete Switcher Installation > Source Substitution > Delete Subst Table Delete the entire substitution table.
Source Substitution, ME Switcher Installation > Source Substitution > Source ME Subst Set an ME source substitution for the substitution table.
  1. Click the Source button and select the source that you want to set a substitution for.
  2. Click the ME button and select the ME or MiniME that you want to assign a substitution source to.
  3. Click the Subst button and select the source you want to substitute for the selected source.
Switching Field Switcher Installation > Field Dominance Select the field that a video transition will be performed on.
  1. Click a Switch Field button to select whether video transitions are performed on field 1 only (Field 1), field 2 only(Field 2), or the current field (Both).
TSL Address Switcher Installation > Input > TSL Address Assign a TSL id to an input.
  1. Click the Input button and select the input BNC that you want to set the TSL id for.
  2. Click the Change Type button and select whether you want to set (Absolute) or reset (Reset) the parameter. Some selections will not be available when you reset the parameter.
  3. Enter the TSL id in the Value field.
TSL Tally MultiViewer Display Mode (Name) Switcher Installation > Input > TSL Tally Mode Assign a TSL id to an input.
  1. Click the Input button and select the input BNC that you want to set the TSL mode for.
  2. Click a TSL Tally button to select whether the MultiViewer shows the Mnemonic name (Name Only), TSL name (Tally Only), or both (Both).
Video Mode Switcher Installation > Reference > Video Format Select the video format that the switcher will operate in.
  1. Click the Video Mode button and select the video format for the switcher.