To Set Up a GPI Output

A GPI output can be set as a Normal GPI output, or as a Tally output. As a tally output, the GPI output must be assigned to a video source. A GPI output in tally mode can still be used as a normal GPI output.

  1. .
    Tip: The Trigger button next to the Edit button allows you to manually trigger a GPI output.
  2. Click Edit for the GPI that you want to configure as an output.
  3. Click GPO.
  4. Click a Level button to select whether you want the GPI to trigger low (Low), or high (High).
  5. Click a Trigger button to select whether you want to use an edge trigger (Edge), or a level trigger (Level).
  6. For edge triggers, use the Duration (fr) slider to set the length of time (in frames) that the GPI edge output remains triggered.
  7. For level triggers, click a Mode button to select how you want to GPI output to act.
    • Normal — when assigned to a video source and RollClip is active, will trigger with the source going on-air, and back with the source going off-air (pre-delay values are only used when the source is going on-air)
    • Tally — when assigned to a video source, will trigger with the source going on-air, and back with the source going off-air (RollClip and pre-delay values are ignored)