Send Messages
You can send messages to a single user, a chat, or to a group of users, a conversation.
To send a message
In the bottom toolbar, tap
The Messages list opens.
In the titlebar, tap
Add Message.
The New Message screen opens.
In the Subject box, enter the subject of your new message. DO NOT use emojis in story slugs.
The maximum length for a subject is 190 characters.
In the Message box, enter the content of your message. All messages must have content.
The maximum length for a message is 800 characters.
Use the People list to select the users to whom you want to send the message.
Selecting a single user for a message creates a chat. Selecting two or more user for a message creates a conversation. Inception lists the users selected for a message below the Message box. To remove a user from the message, tap the name of the user to remove.
Tap Create.
Inception sends your message to the selected users and opens the new message in the Messaging screen.
Tap < (Back) in the titlebar to return to the Messages list.