Broadcast Stories
Broadcast stories created in Inception can contain story text, sound on tape text, productions cues, and MOS devices. Inception does not publish Broadcast stories to any social media accounts. You can use Broadcast stories in a running order as a container to publish multiple social media stories at one time or to display operator cues. If you have an NCS license for your Inception system, you use Broadcast stories to control your news broadcasts.
To create a Broadcast story
In the titlebar of the Stories screen, tap
The New Story screen opens.
In the Slug box, enter a title for the new story. DO NOT use emojis in story slugs.
All stories must have a slug.
In the Format section, select
Broadcast as the format for you new story.
Tap Create.
A new story opens in the Story Editor screen. The options available in the Story Editor screen are based format of the new story.
In the Story Editor screen, enter the story text.
Use the tools in the Text Formatting toolbar to set the appearance for story text that your enter or the selected story text. The Text Formatting toolbar contains the following tools:
— tap this icon to make the selected text bold.
— tap this icon to italicize the selected text Italic.
— tap this icon to underline the selected text.
Tap Save.
Inception saves the story and adds it to the Stories screen.
Tap < (Back) in the titlebar to return to the Stories screen.