View Image Attachments
Along with text, messages can also included attached images. Tapping an attached image link opens the image. On your mobile device you can view the following image formats: .gif (Graphical Interchange Format), .jpg or .jpeg (Photographic Experts Group), .png (Portable Network Graphic), .bmp (bitmap image file), .webp (Google, Android only), and .psd (Photoshop Document, iOS only).
To view an attached image
In a message, tap a reply that contains an image
The selected image opens in separate screen with the sender and image file name displayed at the top of the screen. Inception automatically scales image to fit your mobile device screen.
To enlarge the image, double-tap the image.
To scroll an enlarged image, tap and drag the image.
To scale an enlarged image to your mobile device screen, double-tap the image.
To close an image, tap X (Close) in upper-right corner of the screen.
The image closes and Inception returns you to the message that contained the attached image.