Internal sources are generated inside the switcher, such as matte backgrounds, Media-Store channels, and ME re-entries.
Click Navigation Menu > Configuration > Inputs > Internal
The internal sources are listed along the side and the various settings are listed across the top. Click the setting button for the source you want to set up to view the available
Apply a custom name to the source. Enter a new name for each input you want to identify differently. The name is used to identify the input on the panel mnemonics and
well as on menus.
Set up the mnemonic appearance of the source for the control panel you are using. Refer to your control panel documentation for more information on
setting up mnemonics.
Link an alpha video signal to the video. The Media-Store channels have dedicated alpha channels that cannot be changed. Refer to To Set Up an Auto Key Association for information on setting up an auto key.
Link an external device to a video input to allow remote control for that device.
Assign a GPI output to a video input. The GPI output is trigged with or before the source is taken on-air, depending on the Predelay setting.
The GPI output can be used to trigger a video server to play before taking the server on-air. Refer to GPI Device Control for information on assigning a GPI output to a video source.
Panel Follow
Select one of the custom panels to be shown on Live Assist when the source is selected. The pages for MediaManager are
assigned to the Media-Store sources. Refer to Custom Page Auto Follow for
information on setting up custom panels.