Acuity/Vision Commands

The switcher can be controlled from a remote editor or computer via RossTalk commands. These commands can be sent to the switcher over an ethernet connection.

Sending RossTalk Commands to Acuity/Vision

Acuity and Vision accept RossTalk commands over ethernet on port 7788. This allows you to perform various functions such as triggering a GPI, or sending commands to the switcher, such as transitioning a key.

To Send RossTalk Commands to Acuity/Vision

Note: Each command should be terminated by a carriage return and a line feed (CR/LF).
  1. Press HOME > Setup > Installation > Com Setup > Type.
  2. Use the Com Port knob to select the port that you want to assign to the RossTalk device.
  3. Use the Device knob to select RossTalk.
  4. Press Select Device and use the Device knob to select RTalk-IN.
  5. Press Com Type and use the Type knob to select Network TCP.
  6. Press Com Settings and use the Client/Server knob to select Server.
  7. In the Remote Port field, enter 7788.
    Tip: If you are using multiple RossTalk connections, it is recommended that you increment the port number for each device.
  8. Press Extra Options.
    Option Value
    Cmd Response OFF (default)
  9. Press HOME > Confirm.

Acuity/Vision Supported RossTalk Commands

The switcher supports a number of RossTalk commands. The exact commands and how the switcher reacts to the commands is outlined in the following table.

Note: When you are entering commands for Vision, you must use MLE instead of ME. Acuity supports both ME and MLE.
Note: All commands are case sensitive.
Tip: You can query the current state of a switcher component by replacing the selection part of the command with a ? For example, MVBOX 2:6:? returns what source is selected in box 6 on MultiViewer channel 2. The query function only applies to the XPT, MS, MNEM, TRANSRATE, TRANSTYPE, TRANSINCL, MVBOX, and KEYSHAPED commands.
Table 1. RossTalk Commands
Command Description
CAPTURE DISK/RAM:channel:source:frames Performs a capture to RAM (RAM) or directly to disk (DISK) of the video source (source) using Media​-Store channel (channel) for a duration of (frames) frames. For example, CAPTURE 3:PVW:5 performs a capture of the Preview video source, using Media​-Store channel 3, and with a duration of 5 frames. If you want to capture from an aux, you must replace PVW with the bank and aux (AUX:aux-bank-number:aux-number). For example, CAPTURE DISK:1:AUX:8:3:6 performs a capture to disk of Bank 8, Aux 3, using Media​-Store channel 1, and with a duration of 6 frames. The switcher will reply when the capture is completed.
CC b:cc Executes custom control (cc) on bank (b). For example, CC 1:05 triggers custom control 5 on bank 1.
FTB Performs a fade-to-black transition.
GPI xx Performs the action assigned to the GPI input xx. If the GPI is an output, no action is performed. For example, GPI 04 triggers GPI input 4.
GPI xx:On/Off Set GPI xx to on (On or 1) or off (Off or 0). For example, GPI 04:Off sets GPI 4 to off.
HELP Prints a list of the supported commands.
KEYAUTO ME:keyer Performs an auto transition of keyer number (keyer) on ME number (ME). For example, KEYAUTO 1:4 triggers an auto transition of key 4 on ME 1.
KEYAUTOON ME:keyer Transitions keyer number (keyer) on ME number (ME) on-air if the key is not currently on-air. For example, if key 2 is not currently on-air on ME 3, KEYAUTOON 3:2 triggers a transition of key 2 on ME 3.
KEYAUTOOFF ME:keyer Transitions keyer number (keyer) on ME number (ME) off-air if the key is currently on-air. For example, if key 4 is currently on-air on ME 1, KEYAUTOON 1:4 triggers a transition of key 4 on ME 1.
KEYCUT ME:keyer Performs a cut of keyer number (keyer) on ME number (ME). For example, KEYCUT 2:1 triggers a cut of key 1 on ME 2.
KEYCUTON ME:keyer Cuts keyer number (keyer) on ME number (ME) on-air if the key is not currently on-air. For example, if key 2 is not currently on-air on ME 3, KEYCUTON 3:2 triggers a cut of key 2 on ME 3.
KEYCUTOFF ME:keyer Cuts keyer number (keyer) on ME number (ME) off-air if the key is currently on-air. For example, if key 4 is currently on-air on ME 1, KEYCUTON 1:4 triggers a cut of key 4 on ME 1.
KEYSHAPED ME:keyer:ON/OFF Turns shaped keying on (ON) or off (OFF) for keyer number (keyer) on ME number (ME). For example, KEYSHAPED 2:1:ON turns shaped keying on for key 1 on ME 2.
KEYSTATE ME:key Returns whether key number (key) on ME number (ME) is on (On) or off (Off). For example, KEYSTATE 4:4 returns the on-air state of key 4 on ME 4.
LOADSET USB/HD:setname Loads setup name (setname) from the USB drive (USB) or hard drive (HD). For example, LOADSET HD:SETUP01 loads SETUP01 from the hard drive.
MEAUTO ME Performs an auto transition on ME (ME). The elements included with the transition are set in the next transition area of the switcher. For example, MEAUTO 2 triggers an auto transition on ME 2.
MECUT ME Performs a cut on ME (ME). The elements included with the transition are set in the next transition area of the switcher. For example, MECUT 1 triggers a cut on ME 1.
MEM bm:ME Performs a memory recall of memory (m) on bank (b) on ME (ME). For example, MEM 19:2:1 recalls memory 9 on bank 1 of ME 2 and ME 1. You can also query what the last memory recalled on an MEwas using MEM ?:ME. Entering MEM ? returns the last memory recalled on the program ME.
MEMSAVE bm:ME Performs a store to memory (m) on bank (b) on ME (ME). For example, MEMSAVE 23:1:2:4 stores memory 3 on bank 2 on ME 1, ME 2, and ME 4.
MNEM source:new-name Sets a new mnemonic name (new-name) for a video source (source). For example, MNEM IN:6:CAM 1 sets the mnemonic name for input 6 to CAM 1.
MS media-store: channel:media-ID Loads a media file of ID number (media-ID) into the Global-Store (GS), Global-Store Audio (GSA), or ME-Store (ME:ME#) cache (media-store) into channel number (channel). For example, MS ME:4:2:52 loads the media file 52 into channel 2, of the ME-Store on ME 4.
MSPLAY media-store: channel Play the media file currently loaded in the Global-Store (GS), Global-Store Audio (GSA), or ME-Store (ME:ME#) cache (media-store) into channel number (channel). For example, MSPLAY GSA:2 plays the media item loaded into Global-Store Audio channel 2.
MVBOX MultiViewer:box:source Selects a video source (source) in a box of number (box) for MultiViewer number MultiViewer. For example, MVBOX 1:5:IN:6 selects input 6 in box 5 of MultiViewer channel 1. Aux buses can also be selected as sources.
RESETALL Performs an ALL+ALL soft reset on the switcher. There are no other parameters for this command.
SAVESET USB/HD:setup:setname Saves the switcher setting to setup number (setup) with the name (setname) to the USB drive (USB) or hard drive (HD). For example, SAVESET USB:5:MORNING saves a setup called MORNING to setup 5 on the USB drive. If you don't include the setup number the switcher will try to match the setname and overwrite it.
SETVIDMODE REF:format Set the format (format) of the input reference to the switcher. Uses the same internal or external source as well as reference board that is currently selected. For example, SETVIDMODE REF:1080i50 sets the switcher expect 1080i 50Hz as the input reference format.
SETVIDMODE VID:format Set the video format (format) that you want the switcher to operate in. For example, SETVIDMODE VID:1080i59.94 sets the switcher to operate in the 1080i 59.94Hz video format and SETVIDMODE VID:480i 16x9 sets the switcher to operate in the 480i video format with a 16:9 aspect ratio.
TRANSINCL ME:incl:incl:incl Sets the next transition area on ME number (ME), to include the background (B) and/or keys (incl). For example, TRANSINCL 2:B:2:3 configures the next transition area for ME 2 with BKGD, KEY 2, and KEY 3 selected. Note that any existing selections are lost.
TRANSRATE ME:rate Sets the transition rate (rate), in frames, on ME number (ME). For example, TRANSRATE 2:15 sets the ME transition rate for ME 2 to 15 frames.
TRANSTYPE ME:type Sets the transition type (type), see below, on ME number (ME). For example, TRANSTYPE 3:DISS sets the transition type for ME 3 to DISS.
  • DissolveDISS
  • WipeWIPE
  • Media WipeMEDIA
USERVAR name:value Assign a number (value) to the user variable with the name (name). For example USERVAR A:10 creates a variable of the name A with a value of 10.
USERVAR name:operation:value Perform the operation (operation) (+ - * / =) with a value of (value) on the user variable with the name (name). For example, USERVAR A:+:5 adds 5 to the variable A.
VERSION Returns the current version of software running on the switcher.
XPT vid-dest:vid-source Select a video source (vid-source) on (vid-dest). For example, XPT ME:2:PGM:IN:6 selects input C6 on the Program bus of ME 2. Refer to the information after this table for a list of sources and destinations.

Possible video destinations (vid-dest):

  • Aux BusAUX:aux-bank-number:aux-number
  • KeyME:ME-number:KEY:key-number
  • Key (alpha/backside/2nd DVE channel)ME:ME-number:KEY:key-number:KEYBUS:2
    Tip: The second channel of the key is either the alpha channel, backside video, or DVE channel, depending on how the key is configured.
  • PresetME:ME number:PST
  • ProgramME:ME number:PGM

Possible video sources (vid-source):

  • Aux BusAUX:aux-bank-number:aux-number
  • BlackBK (vid-source only)
  • CleanME:ME number:CLN:cln-number (Clean Feed 1-2 only) (vid-source only)
  • Global-StoreGS:channel-number
  • Input SourceIN:input-number (vid-source only)
  • KeyME:ME-number:KEY:key-number
  • Matte ColorBG:BKGD-number (vid-source only)
  • ME-StoreMS:ME-number:channel-number
  • MultiViewer AMVA:Head A on MultiViewer number
  • MultiViewer BMVB:Head B on MultiViewer number

Possible ME Sources (ME)

  • PreviewME:ME number:PV
  • Program A/BME:ME number:PGM (selects PGMA or PGMB depending on what is selected on the panel)
  • Program AME:ME number:PGMA
  • Program BME:ME number:PGMB
  • Program CME:ME number:PGMC
  • Program DME:ME number:PGMD
  • Program EME:ME number:PGME
  • Program FME:ME number:PGMF