DVE Keys (Fly Key)
The Fly Key function is used to apply DVE video effects to a key. The Fly Key can be applied to any key type, but will use a different number of DVE channels depending on the type of key (video + alpha).
Tip: The DVE Menu button on all of the DVE menus allows you to quickly navigate between the different DVE menus.
Keep the following in mind:
Keep the following in mind when working with DVE keys:
- You can fly any type of key.
- You can fly any combination of keys in an ME.
- You cannot fly a Mix/DSK key.
- Self Keys, Auto Select Keys, and Chroma Keys require 2 DVE channels to fly. One channel for the fill and the other for the alpha.
- To use a Preset Pattern Key without the DVE key mode, press 2D DVE or 3D DVE to disable the DVE mode.
- If 2D DVE or 3D DVE is enabled, changing the key type to something other than Preset Pattern automatically turns the DVE key mode off.
- The ME and Keyer that a DVE menu is assigned to are shown at the top of the menu.
- You can switch between a 2D and 3D DVE key by pressing the 2D or 3D button on the DVE menus.
- Floating DVE keys are only available from a Video Processor board that is configured as a MultiViewer with 3D DVE.
- Chroma key Show Alpha/Color Map and Edge Softness are not available if the chroma key is being used by a floating DVE key.