Switcher Setups
The switcher stores configuration and operation data in a number of registers that contain the individual entries for items such as memories or personality settings. These registers can be stored as a single archive file, as a setup that contains all the individual register of that type, or as all individual registers. These files can be stored into Setups on the hard drive of the switcher, or as files onto a USB drive. Setups allow you to store a complete set of switcher files on the hard drive. Different Setups can be created for different shows or applications, allowing you to quickly locate and recall the switcher configurations.
The switcher stores information in the following registers:
- Bus Map — all the bus maps on the switcher.
- Camera — all the stored shots for cameras that do not store shots on the camera itself.
- CC/Macro Attachments — all the mappings of custom controls that are attached to buttons.
- CC Variables — all custom control variables.
- Clip — all VTR and video server timecode and clip information on the switcher.
- Custom Control — all the custom controls that are stored on the switcher. Bank setting are stored in the Installation setup.
- Installation — all the external device setup and software configurations settings for the switcher. As a rule,
anything that is set up from the Installation menus is stored in this register.Note: Devices should always be set up on the same communications port (remote, pan/frm net, periph) in different switcher sets. If different devices are set up on the same communications port in different sets and you load one of those sets, messages for one device can be sent to the other resulting in invalid messages or unexpected behavior.
- Memory — all the memories that are stored on the switcher.
- MultiViewer Assignments — all the mapping of what layout is assigned to each MultiViewer.
- MultiViewer Layouts — all the layouts and assigned sources for the MultiViewer that have been stored on the switcher. The assignment of a MultiViewer to output BNCs is stored in the Installation register.
- Personality — all the user interface settings. These registers contain items such as mnemonic settings, preview overlay positions and settings, and transition rates. As a rule, anything that is set up from the Personality menus is stored in these registers.
- Shot Box Pages — all the Shot Box pages that have been stored on the switcher.
- Sequences — all the sequences that have been stored on the switcher.
The memory, custom control and sequences can all be stored as individual files. This allows you to store a particular memory, custom control, or sequence to a Setup on the hard drive, or to the USB drive, and recall it to another register position on the same or a different switcher. For example, Custom Control Bank 3 Button 9 can be stored on the USB drive and then recalled into Bank 1 Button 3. This allows you to organize these registers, or transfer only the registers you need to another switcher.