To Set up a Video Output
Assign video sources or buses to the output HD-BNCs on the back of the switcher. Some outputs are fixed to a specific video signal.
Click Navigation Menu > Configuration > Outputs.
Note: In UHDTV1, some outputs are fixed to a specific video signal.Note: The number of outputs that can be configured depends on the video mode the switcher is operating in.
Click on the Source button for the output that you want to assign a source to.
Click the video source that you want to assign to the output.
- Physical — the external inputs to the switcher from the router matrix or the input HD-BNCs.
- BK — black
- BG — matte generator
- MinMEX — main program output of MiniME™ X
- SplX — output of Splicer X.
- Aux Follows — the aux buses.
- MiniME Follows — the background, preset, and key buses of each MiniME™.
- MMXBg — source on background of MiniME™ X
- MMXPst — source on preset output of MiniME™ X
- MMXKYV — key Y video of MiniME™ X
- MMXKYA — key Y alpha of MiniME™ X
- Follows —
the background, preset, and key buses of each Canvas.
- CanXBg — source on background of Canvas X
- CanXPst — source on preset output of Canvas X
- CanXKYV — key Y video of Canvas X
- CanXKYA — key Y alpha of Canvas X
Note: The MiniME™ preset only shows the source that is selected on the preset bus for the MiniME™. This does not include keys or any video manipulation that is done if the MiniME™ is used as part of a Canvas. - In the Text column, enter a new name for each output you want to identify differently. The name is used to identify the output on the panel mnemonics as well as on menus.