Software Licenses and Resources

Each software license provides the switcher with additional resources, depending on the mode the switcher is operating in.

ME Licenses (Number of MEs)

Option SD or HD UHDTV1
Base System 1 × ME 0 × ME
CUF-ADD-ME2 2 (1+1) × ME unchanged
CUF-ADD-ME3* 3 (2+1) × ME unchanged
CUF-UHD​-ADD-ME1-LIC unchanged 1 (0+1) × MEs
CUF-UHD​-ADD-ME2-LIC unchanged 2 (1+1) × MEs
Note: * With the 3 ME license (*) you get the option to operate the switcher in HD with 3 MEs and 4 Keys per ME, or with 2 MEs and 6 Keys per ME. The number of MEs or Keys in SD or UHDTV1 is unchanged.

Extra I/O Processing

Option SD or HD UHDTV1
Base System 8 × I/O Processor 2 × Input FSFC/Output FC
2 × PA/CC
CUF-ADD-​I/OPLUS 34 × I/O Processor 7 × Input FSFC/Frame Delays
7 × PA/CC
4 × Output FC

Extra MultiViewers

Option SD or HD UHDTV1
Base System 1 × I/O MultiViewer 0 × I/O MultiViewer
1 × Video Processor MultiViewer 1 × Video Processor MultiViewer
CUF-ADD-MV2&4 or CUF-UHD-ADD​-MV-LIC 2 × I/O MultiViewer 1 × I/O MultiViewer
2 × Video Processor MultiViewer 1 × Video Processor MultiViewer

RAVE Audio Mixer

Option SD or HD UHDTV1
Base System Embedded and Media​-Store Audio Only


Option HD UHDTV1
CUF-ADD-MOSAIC 10 × MiniME Engines n/a
5 × Canvas Generators
10 × Splicer Generators
24 × Media​-Store Channels (Video)
CUF-ADD-​MOSAIC-UHD unchanged 6 × MiniME Engines
2 × Canvas Generators
6 × Splicer Generators
7 × Media​-Store Channels (Video)