Request Story Approval
The available approval options for a story depend on your approval permission and the current approval and publication status of the story. Users without approval permission can request approval for a story and cancel an approval request that they made.
To request story approval
Create a new story or edit a Not Approved story.
In the Story Editor screen, tap Edit.
In Status section, tap Not Approved.
The Approval and Publication screen opens for the selected story.
Tap ? Request Approval to request approval of the selected story.
The story Status changes to Submitted and the ? Request Approval button changes to X Cancel Request.
Tap < Back in the titlebar to return to the Story Editor screen.
Edit a Submitted Story
You can edit the content of a submitted story. After saving the changes made to a submitted story you must cancel the approval request for the story and request approval for the edited story.
To edit a submitted story
On the Stories screen, tap the Submitted story to edit.
In the Story Editor screen, tap Edit.
Edit the story as required.
Tap Save to save your changes.
In Status section, tap Submitted.
The Approval and Publication screen opens for the story.
Tap x Cancel Request to cancel the approval request for the story.
The story Status changes to Not Approved and the x Cancel Request button changes to ? Request Approval.
Tap ? Request Approval to request approval for the edited story.
The story Status changes to Submitted and the ? Request Approval button changes to X Cancel Request.
Tap < Back in the titlebar to return to the Story Editor screen.