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View Running Order Stories

A running order is an ordered list of stories to publish. Each row in the RO Viewer represents a story. The columns in a row display story information.


Running Order Columns

Anchor (NCS License required) — this column displays the name of the news anchor for the story. When you select a news anchor for a story, Inception uses the read rate set for the news anchor to calculate the time required to present the story.

Approved — a check mark displayed in this column indicates that a story is approved for publishing. If you have the appropriate permission, you can select this column to approve a story or clear this column to unapprove a story.

Approved By — this column displays the name of the Inception user who approved the story for publishing.

Assignees — this column displays the names of the Inception users assigned to the story.

Back Time (NCS License required) — this column displays the time of day that a story started, or needs to start by, in order for the show to remain on time, calculated from the End Date displayed in the Status Bar at the bottom of the running order.

This column displays hard hit times a bold white text on a red background. For example: .

Break — a check mark displayed in this column indicates that a story is a commercial sponsorship break.

Coded (NCS License required) — a check mark displayed in this column indicates that the MOS device coding for the story is complete.

Content Locked By — this column displays the name of the Inception user who is currently editing the story and has the story locked. Inception allows two or more Inception users to edit a story at the same time. Inception can only guarantee that a story contains the last changes saved for a story.

Estimated Time (NCS License required) — this column displays the estimated time for the anchor to read the story. Inception uses the number of words in a story and the reading rate set for the story to estimate the time to present the story.

You can enter your own time in this column to override the calculated time. Inception uses bolded characters to display time overrides (00:02:00). Changing the story Estimated Time automatically updates the Total Time for a story.

Floated — a check mark displayed in this column indicates that a story is floated and not included in the playout of the running order. If you have the appropriate permission, you can select this column to float a story or clear this column to unfloat a story.

Forward Time (NCS or Live License required) — this column displays the time of day format that a story ends, calculated from the Start Date displayed in the Status Bar at the bottom of the running order. Changing the Total Time for a story or the stories before it in the running order automatically updates the Forward Time for the story.

Icon — this column displays an icon that graphically identifies the type of a story. The available icons are as follows:

  • — Broadcast
  • — Broadcast Linked
  • — Drupal
  • — Facebook
  • — Frankly
  • — TownNews
  • — Twitter
  • — Wordpress
  • — YouTube

Media Time (NCS License required) — this column displays the time required to playout all the media associated with the story. When a story contains media, you should enter the total time of all the story media in this column.

Modified — this column displays the date and time of the most recent change made to the story.

Modified By — this column displays the name of the Inception user who completed the most recent change to the story.

MOS Abstract (NCS License required) — this column displays a description for each MOS object in a story.

MOS Aired (NCS License required) — this column displays the status received from the MOS device along with the receive date and time. Device status can be one of the following: Play, Air, On-Air, On Air, or Airing.

MOS Channel (NCS License required) — this column displays the MOS device channel used to output a MOS object. Select a MOS channel to edit and override the channel used to output a MOS object.

MOS Device (NCS License required) — this column lists the MOS devices associated with the MOS objects in a story.

MOS Status (NCS License required) — this column lists the momentary status of each MOS object in a story while monitoring a running order. Inception shades the background of this column to highlight the status of a MOS object as follows:

  • Ready — the MOS object is ready for playout.
  • Not Ready — the MOS object is not ready for playout.

Notes — this column displays additional information about the story. You can edit notes at any time.

Published — a check mark displayed in this column indicates that a story is published. If you have the appropriate permission, you can select this column to publish a story or clear this column to unpublish a story.

Published By — this column displays the name of the Inception user who submitted the story for approval.

Ribbon — displays a color-coded marker to indicate the current approval and publishing status of the story. Ribbon colors are as follows:

  • Empty — the story is empty or has not been saved.
  • Unapproved — the story is not yet approved for publishing.
  • Approved — the story is approved and ready for publishing.
  • Published — Inception has published the story.

Segment (NCS License required) — this column displays the name of the newscast segment to which a story belongs.

Slug — this column displays a brief description of the story for internal use.

Submitted — a check mark displayed in this column indicates that a user without approval permission has submitted the story for approval.

Submitted By — this column displays the name of the Inception user who submitted the story for approval.

Target Time (NCS License required) — this column displays the planned time for a story, which includes estimated time for the anchor to read the story and the time required to playout all the media associated with the story. The producer or news director usually sets the target time for a story.

Total Time (NCS License required) — this column displays the total time that a story is on air during running order playout. Inception adds the story Estimated Time and the story Media Time to calculate the Total Time that a story is on air. Changing the story Estimated Time or the story Media Time automatically updates the Total Time for a story. You can enter your own time in this column to override the calculated time. Inception uses bolded characters to display time overrides (00:02:00).

Type — this column displays the story type. By default, Inception displays the social media type. You can edit the type to categorize stories in any way your organization requires. The Story Editor also displays story types, when you expand the Open list.

Video (NCS License required) — this column displays the video clip ID of video media associated with a story. During running order playout, Inception sends the video clip ID from this column to your automation system to enable the automation system to play the video clip from your video server.

Custom Attributes — columns for the custom attributes defined on your Inception system for Running Order Element entity.

To view the stories in a running order

  1. In the ROs list, tap running order to view.

    The RO Viewer displays the stories contained in the selected running order in publishing order. Swipe to the left or to the right to view all of the running order columns.

    • Cell Background Color - Inception shades the background of running order rows with the following colors to convey additional information about stories in a running order:

      • img Selected — the story is the currently selected story.
      • img Floated — the story is floated.
      • img Child — the story is the child of the parent story above it.
      • img Break — the story is a break.
      • img On-air — the story is the current on-air story.
    • More Information — when a running order cell contains more information than displayed, Inception displays a blue triangle displays in the lower right corner of the cell. For example, the following Slug cell contains more information that displayed:


    • Linked Broadcast Stories — linked Broadcast stories contain the same content content across stories. Inception adds a link badge to the icon of linked Broadcast stories. For example, the following cell contains a linked Broadcast story:


    • Story Groups — story groups enable you to manage multiple Broadcast stories as a single item. The RO Viewer highlights story groups by displaying a Group Handle that spans the Broadcast stories in a group. For example, the following two cells contain grouped Broadcast stories:


    • Under / Over Timer — this timer displays the amount of time that the current on-air Broadcast story or the Broadcast stories that follow it need to be adjusted to keep the show on time. The timer updates as story times are changed. Inception uses the following formats to display the required time adjustment:

      • img — the show is currently under the total time set for the show. To bring the show back on time, add the displayed amount of time to the current on-air story or following stories.
      • img — the show is on time.
      • img — the show is currently over the total time set for the show. To bring the show back on time, remove the displayed amount of time from the current on-air story or following stories.
    • MOS Device Monitoring — the img indicator displays above the running order columns when a running order is monitored.

  2. To return to the ROs list, tap < (Back) in the titlebar.

View More Information

Inception displays a blue triangle displays in the lower right corner of a cell to indicate that the cell contains more information than displayed. You can expand a row to view the hidden information that that the cells in the row contain.

To view more information for a cells in a row

  1. In a rundown, tap in a row that contains a cell displaying a blue triangle in the lower right corner.

    A yellow background highlights the row containing the selected cell.


  2. To expand the selected row and view hidden information, tap img Expand above the column titles.


    A row remains expanded for a session or until you collapse the row.

  3. To collapse the selected row, tap img Collapse above the column titles.