Search for Assignments
After selecting the assignments to display in the Assignments list you can use assignment attributes to further filter the Assignments list.
To search for assignments
Search above the Assignments list to search for an assignment.
The Search box opens.
In the Search box, enter a portion of the following attributes associated with the assignment you are looking for:
You do not need to enter the start of an attribute, any portion of an attribute filters the Assignments list. The Assignments list automatically updates to display only the assignments with attributes that contain the text entered in the Search box.
To clear the Search box, tap X at the right side of the Search box.
Clearing the Search box clears the entered search and displays all the available assignments in the Assignments list.
To close the Search box, tap Cancel above the Assignments list.
Closing the Search box clears the entered search and displays all the available assignments in the Assignments list.