Information that you what to include in a Broadcast story but do not want sent to the prompter can be added to the story as instructions. By default, Inception displays instruction text in blue to set the it apart from the story text. The Read Word Count for a story does not include instruction text.
To add instructions to a Broadcast story
In the Story Editor screen, tap in the story text at the location to add an instruction in the open Broadcast story.
In the Text Formatting toolbar, tap Inst.
The Inst button turns dark gray
to indicate that you are working in Instruction text mode.
Type the text for your instruction.
Inception formats the text that you type with the Instruction text color set on your Inception system. Blue is the default Instruction text color.
To exit Instruction text mode, tap Inst.
Inception now formats typed text as regular story text. The Inst button turns light gray
to indicate that you are working in regular story text mode.
You can delete, cut, copy, and paste Instruction text in the same manner as you do story text.
To format existing story text as Instruction text, select the story text to format as Instruction text and then tap Inst.
Before you start typing regular story text, remember to tap Inst to exit Instruction text mode.