To Upgrade Graphite
The standard upgrade is accomplished with a single Windows® executable that upgrades the main Graphite switcher subsystem. The 1RU Audio Breakout Unit, XPression, and DashBoard must be upgraded separately.
The server and the switcher subsystem must both be connected to your network for the upgrade.
- Download the graphite-##.##_##.exe upgrade executable file to your Graphite system.
- Shutdown XPression and DashBoard if they are running on your system.
Run the upgrade executable file you downloaded.
Note: If a Windows Security - Windows can't verify the publisher of this driver software error is displayed, click Install this driver software anyway. The method used to digitally sign the driver has changed, triggering the warning.
Windows® may display a security warning, click Run to continue the installation.
Follow the onscreen instructions and click Install to start the upgrade. The upgrade may take
between 5 to 10 minutes to complete.
Note: If XPression is running the upgrade wizard will ask permission to close the application.
- Click Finish.
Click Yes to power off the server.
Note: The server must be completely powered off and back on again for the switcher subsystem to be upgraded.
- Power the server back on again.