To Set up a Video Output
Assign video sources or buses to the output and the output to a framebuffer. Some outputs are fixed to a specific video signal.
Click Navigation Menu > Configuration > Outputs.
Click on the Source button for the output that you want to assign a source to.
Note: Output 1 is locked to Program.
Click the video source that you want to assign to the output.
Physical — the source inputs to the switcher.
- XX — input XX
- XXA — input XX alpha
Internal — the internally generated sources of the switcher (ME).
- BK — black
- BG — matte generator
- PGM — main program output of the switcher
- PRV — main preview output of the switcher
- CLN — clean feed for main program of switcher
- MEX — main program output of ME X (if installed)
- MEXPV — main preview output of ME X (if installed)
- MEXCL — clean feed output of ME X (if installed)
- Media — the Media-Store and MediaWipe sources.
- MX — Media-Store video channel X
- MXA — Media-Store alpha channel X
- MEXMW — Media-Store video channel used for MediaWipe effects on ME X (if installed)
- MEXMA — Media-Store alpha channel used for MediaWipe effects on ME X (if installed)
- Aux Follows — the aux buses.
- AUXXX — output of aux bus XX
- ME Follows — the background, preset, and key buses of each ME.
- MEXBg — source on background of ME X (if installed)
- MEXPst — source on preset output of ME X (if installed)
- MEXKYV — key Y video of ME X (if installed)
- MEXKYA — key Y alpha of ME X (if installed)
Physical — the source inputs to the switcher.
Click on the Framebuffer button for the output that you want to assign an XPression framebuffer to.
Click the virtual output from XPression that you want to assign to the output.
Important: You must set up a Virtual Output in XPression for it to be available to the switcher. Refer to the documentation that came with your XPression for more information on setting up Virtual Output.