Color Correction
Color correction is performed by either Processing Amplifiers (Proc Amps) in the HSL (Y-Cr-Cb) color space or by RGB Color Correctors in the RGB color space. Both Proc Amps and RGB Color Correctors allow you to apply color correction to video sources on the fly to input video signals, entire buses, or aux bus outputs.
- Input Based Correction — color correction is applied to the video input regardless of which ME or Aux Bus it is selected on. Input-based color correction is not stored in switcher memories. Only supported on the MultiProcessor Input board.
- ME Input Based Correction — color correction is applied to a video input on the ME. Color correction is only applied to the video signal when it is selected on an ME, and not when the same signal is selected on a MultiViewer or Aux. Color correction will follow the source from ME to ME.Not required with the MultiProcessor Input boards.
- ME Bus Based Correction — color correction is applied to the entire bus of the selected ME. Any source selected on that bus has the color correction applied to it. Unlike the other color correction types, bus-based color correction is stored and recalled with memories. This allows you to include a color correction element as part of an effects dissolve.
- Aux Bus Based Correction — color correction is applied to the output of an Aux Bus. Like input-based color correction, Aux Bus color correction is not stored in switcher memories.
Color correction is additive, allowing you to apply any combination of Proc Amp and RGB Color Corrector based adjustment to a video signal on the input, as well as on the bus. If multiple color corrections are applied, the input-based correction is applied first, and the bus-based correction is applied after that.