Evertz® Routers

This setup information applies to the Evertz® EQX series of routers.

Cable Connections

The device connects to the switcher over an ethernet connection using the EQX protocol.

Switcher Setup

The switcher must be set up to communicate with the router, as well as associate the video inputs that are coming into the switcher from the router with the specific router they are coming from.

To Set Up Ethernet Communications

This information applies to the Evertz® EQX protocol.

  1. Press HOME > Setup > Installation > Com Setup
  2. Press Type and use the Com Port knob to select the net port that you want to set up for the device.
  3. Use the Device knob to select Router.
  4. Press Select Device and use the Device knob to select Evertz.
  5. Press Com Type and use the Type knob to select Network TCP.
  6. Press Com Settings and use the Client/Server knob to select Client and enter the IP Settings.
    IP Setting Value
    Remote IP Address (IP of device)
    Remote Port (port on device)
    Local IP Address
    Local Port 0
  7. Press Extra Options and use the Option and Value knobs to set the device parameters.
    Option Value
    Src Xpts 128 (default)
    Dest Xpts 128 (default)
  8. Press HOME > Confirm.

To Set Up a Video Input

  1. Press HOME > Setup > Installation > Source Configuration > Input Type.
  2. Use the Input knob to select the input source that is coming from the router.
  3. In the Input Type area, select Router.
  4. Press More.
  5. Press Router Setup and use the Router knob to select the router that the video source is coming from.
  6. Use the BNC DST knob to select the destination, or output, on the router that is feeding the selected input BNC.
  7. Press Router Options and use the Level knob to select the level, or breakaway, that is switched on the router when a new input is selected.
  8. Use the Show Mnemonics knob to select whether the router source name is shown on the mnemonic for the selected input (Yes) or if the switcher source name is shown (No).
  9. Press HOME > Confirm.

Device Setup

The device must be set up to communicate with the switcher using the same serial or ethernet communications as you set the switcher up to use.

Note: This information in this procedure is provided as a guide and is based on the current version of hardware and software that was available at the time of testing. For the most accurate and up-to-date information, refer to the documentation that came with your device.

Router Mnemonic Names

If your router/protocol does not support passing mnemonic names to the switcher, you can manually add those names. Refer to Router Mnemonic Names for more information.