Frame DIP Switches

The DIP switches allow you to set default IP address and other diagnostic states.

There are a number of DIP switches inside the frame that are used to diagnose the operation of the switcher.

Table 1. Ultra Frame DIP Switches
DIP Description
1 This DIP switch is used to set the IP address of ethernet port on the frame to the default value ( It must be in the up (off) position to set another IP address for the frame.
2 Reset the root password.
3 This DIP switch is unused and should be left in the default up (off) position.
4 This DIP switch prevents software upgrades. It must be in the up (off) position to upgrade the switcher.
5 This DIP switch is unused and should be left in the default up (off) position.
6 This DIP switch is unused and should be left in the default up (off) position.
7 This DIP switch is unused and should be left in the default up (off) position.
8 This DIP switch is unused and should be left in the default up (off) position.