Logging in to Windows® and the Tria Explorer, setting permissions, and remote services.
Setup of channel allocation, video format, video codecs, timecode, audio and video routing, remote communications and more.
The Tria Import file import utility converts all imported media files to the current video output format that the server is operating in.
Tria Explorer is a Windows® application that provides a graphical interface to the operation of the server. Although this application allows you to control the operation of the server, it does not need to be running for the server to operate.
Each channel in the server has a dedicated channel transport in Tria Explorer that is used to load, play, record, and seek within clips. Clips are loaded into the channel transport from the Clip Library.
Use the clip library to organise and sort clips.
You can export a clip from the Clip Library to a number of formats for use in an external device.
Server resources, video specifications, power rating, and port pinouts.