To Set Up a GPI Input
The switcher requires a Low Edge GPI input trigger.
Click Navigation Menu > Configuration > GPIO.
The page lists all the GPIs on the switcher and how they are currently configured.
- Click Edit for the GPI that you want to configure as an input.
- Click GPI.
Click an Event button to select the action you want to
assign to the selected GPI input pin.
- --none-- — no action is taken
- CC — run a specific custom control
- enter the custom control bank in the Bank field
- enter the custom control in the CC field
- Mem Recall — recall a memory on all MEs (enter the memory to recall in the Mem field)
- FtB — perform a transition to black on the program ME that also takes all keys off-air. The source originally selected on program is selected on preset
- ME Cut — perform a background cut on the selected ME (click an ME button to select the ME, MiniME™, or MultiScreen)
- ME Auto — perform a background auto transition on the selected ME (click an ME button to select the ME, MiniME™, or MultiScreen)
- Key Cut — perform a key cut on the selected ME and Key
- click an ME button to select the ME, MiniME™, or MultiScreen
- click a Key button to select the keyer
- Key Auto — perform a key auto transition on the
selected ME, MiniME™, or MultiScreen and Key
- click an ME button to select the ME, MiniME™, or MultiScreen
- click a Key to select the keyer number
- Aux Xpt — select a video source on an aux bus
- click the Aux button and select the aux bus
- click the Source button and select the video source