To Pattern Mask a Key

Pattern masks can be adjusted for size, location, rotation, and multiplication.

  1. Click Navigation Menu > Live Assist > MEs and select the ME and key that you want to set up.
    Tip: You can use the same procedure for a MiniME or MultiScreen.
  2. Click Mask > Pattern.

  3. Select the pattern you want to use for the mask.
  4. Click Mask Force to force the area inside the mask region to the foreground.
  5. Click Mask Invert to invert the masked area with the unmasked area.
  6. Set up the mask pattern as required.
    • Size — adjust the size of the mask region.
    • Softness — apply softness to the edges of the mask region.
    • Border Size — apply a border to the mask region and adjust the size. At size 0 the border is off.
    • Aspect — adjust the aspect ratio of the mask. Not all patterns allow you to adjust the aspect.
    • Rotation — rotate the mask pattern. Not all patterns can be rotated
    • H-Multiply — multiply the mask pattern horizontally.
    • V-Multiply — multiply the mask pattern vertically.
    • X-Position — position the mask on the x-axis.
    • Y-Position — position the mask on the y-axis.