AirCleaner Virtual Control Panel
The AirCleaner Virtual Control Panels are available in DashBoard and allow you to control the video, audio, and combined panic button functionality for one or two users.
- From the DashBoard tree view for the AirCleaner-2, expand the Abekas node and double-click on the Control Panel 1 or Control Panel 2 node, depending on which user you are.

Audio and Video concealment is triggered using the AUDIO, VIDEO, and A+V buttons. The AUDIO button triggers the concealment of the audio and the VIDEO button triggers the concealment of the video. These concealment buttons operate independently and can be clicked separately, or the A+V button can be clicked to trigger both the AUDIO and VIDEO buttons at the same time. When a button is clicked the audio and/or video concealment is triggered and continues for as long as the button is held.
Tip: The CONCEAL BUTTON MODE allows you to configure the buttons to trigger only when held (PRESS & HOLD) or as a toggle
(TOGGLE ON | OFF). The mode that the panel is operating in is shown by the CONCEAL = in the center of the panel. Refer to AirCleaner Virtual Control Panel Conceal Button Mode for more information.
- A AUDIO — trigger audio concealment.
- V VIDEO — trigger video concealment.
- A+V — trigger both audio and video concealment.
Important: When using the AirCleaner Virtual Control Panel it is important to include network latency into the user's Reaction Time settings.