Clip Player

The clip player offers a single playout channel for compressed MPEG-4 AVC (ITU-T H.264) that can be assigned as a source on any bus in the switcher. Basic transport controls can be performed manually from the Clip Player page, using custom controls, or through AMP commands.

Keep the following in mind:

Keep the following in mind when working with the clip player:

  • Media items must be created in the same color gamut and dynamic range that they are intended to be used in on the switcher. If a media item is created in one color space and the switcher is operating in another, the media item may not appear correctly.
  • The clip player is only available in the HD switcher modes.
  • Do not copy a clip to the USB while a clip is playing. Copying a clip to the USB while the Clip Player is playing a clip can cause the clip to stutter or stop.