DashBoard (Carbonite)

DashBoard provides the main menu system to the control panel and Carbonite switcher it is connected to.

When connected to a Carbonite switcher, TouchDrive runs a version of DashBoard locally on the control panel. You can use this DashBoard to control the control panel and switcher, or you can run DashBoard on a separate computer and use that version to control the control panel and switcher. Refer to the documentation that came with your switcher for information on connecting to it from DashBoard.

Download and install the latest version of DashBoard from www.rossvideo.com/support/software-downloads/dashboard/. Review the documentation that comes with DashBoard for information on installing and launching DashBoard.

Note: TouchDrive requires DashBoard v9.1, or higher.
Tip: On TouchDrive, you can bring up a virtual keyboard by tapping the DashBoard title bar at the top. This is useful if you don't have a keyboard attached to your panel.