Special Functions

Special functions allow you to include events not associated with a button press into a custom control. A special function can be inserted into any existing custom control, or used when creating a new custom control.

Table 1. Special Functions
Function Definition
Hold Allows you to place a command in a custom control that will stop the custom control at the hold event. You must press the custom control button again, or use a GPI trigger, to continue the custom control.
Pause Allows you to place a command in a custom control that will stop a custom control at the pause event. The length of the pause is set when the pause is inserted.
Loop Allows you to have a custom control run continuously until stopped, or a Cancel/Cancel All custom control command is executed from another custom control.
GPO Allows you to trigger a pre-selected GPI output using a custom control. The specific GPI output is set when the GPO command is inserted.
Cut Key Allows you create a custom control that will cut keys on or off. The specific key and whether the key is cut on or off is set when the key cut command is inserted.
Trans Key Allows you to create a custom control that will transition keys on or off. The specific key and whether the key is transitioned on or off is set when the key transition command is inserted.
Include Key Allows you to create a custom control that will include a key with the next transition to take the key on-air, or off-air. The specific key and whether it should go on-air, or off-air is set when the include key command is inserted.
Resume Allows you to resume a particular custom control that is at a hold. The specific custom control is set when the resume is inserted. If the target custom control is not at a hold event, the resume command will not start the target custom control.
Cancel Allows you to stop a particular custom control. The specific custom control is set when the cancel is inserted.
Cancel All Allows you to stop all running custom controls.
State Allows you to embed the entire state of the switcher into a custom control. A state in a custom control behaves just like a memory.