Media​-Store File Specifications

Media​-Store images and animations can be TGA, PNG, or JPG file formats. For animations, the files must be numbered to indicate the order they go in, and the name and the number must be separated with an underscore.

  • Anim_001.tga
  • Anim_002.tga
  • Anim_003.tga
  • ...
  • Anim_100.tga

Together, these files are treated as a single animation named Anim that is 100 frames long.

Note: An animation must start with _001 as the end of the name of the first frame.

Files names cannot contain symbols such as ! @ # & * ( ) / , ? ' " and cannot start with an underscore (_).

The maximum number of frames that an animation can have depends on the size of the images and bit depth, as well as how many other media files are loaded into the same cache. Each group of 6 inputs (1-6, 7-12, etc.) share the same cache. If you load media files into any of the Media​-Store channels in a group of 6, that will reduce the amount of cache available to the other Media​-Store channels in the same group.

Table 1. Animation Frames per Media​-Store Cache
Raster Size Bit Depth Max Frames
1920 x 1080 24 (no alpha) 68
1920 x 1080 32 (alpha) 46
1280 x 720 24 (no alpha) 156
1280 x 720 32 (alpha) 104