To Set Up the MultiViewer for ViewControl

  1. Click Navigation Menu > Configuration > MultiViewers.
  2. Click MultiViewer 1.
  3. Click Layouts and select one of the ViewControl (VCtrlX or VCtlXX) layouts.
    Tip: If you want to create a custom ViewControl layout, you can use one of the other MultiViewer layouts to create the look you want, and use PanelBuilder in DashBoard to assign functionality to the layout. Sources can be hidden from a layout by assigning black to the box. For more information on PanelBuilder, refer to the DashBoard documentation.
  4. Click the Overlay button and select a video source that you want to overlay over the MultiViewer output.
    Tip: The overlay source can be used to overlay a camera shot of a shot-clock over the MultiViewer output.
  5. Use the Clip slider to select 6.3%.
  6. Click Box 1 and select PV.
  7. Click Box 2 and select PGM.
  8. Assign additional sources to the remaining MultiViewer boxes. These are the sources that will be available in ViewControl.