New Account Role Permissions

When you create a new account such as a Facebook or Twitter account, it is a good idea to review account role permissions set for user roles. When you create several accounts at the same time, it is most efficient to create all accounts and then assign permissions to manage them.

To assign account role permissions to a user role

1.On the Configuration window toolbar, click the Configuration_-_Toolbar_-_Users00170.png Users icon.

The Users panel opens.

2.Click the Manage Roles tab.

The Manage Roles tab opens.

3.In the User Role list, select the name of the user role to assign account management permissions.

4.Click Edit Permissions.

The Role Permissions list opens.

5.In the Role Permissions list, scroll down to an account role permission.

For example, Facebook.

6.Use the following icons displayed to the right of an account-based role permission to grant or deny the role permission to all accounts for the selected role:

Icon_-_Role_Permissions_-_Grant00171.png — click this icon to grant the role permission to all accounts for the selected role. Sometimes it is quicker to grand a role permission to accounts and deny the role permission from unwanted accounts than to just grant the role permission to required accounts.

Icon_-_Role_Permissions_-_Deny00172.png — click this icon to deny the role permission from all accounts for the selected role.

7.You can also control the role permission for individual accounts by clicking the Icon_-_Role_Permissions_-_Accounts00173.png icon to the right of an account-based role permission to view the individual accounts controlled by the role permission. Use the following icons displayed to the right of an account:

Icon_-_Role_Permissions_-_Grant00174.png — click this icon to grant the role permission to the account for the selected role.

Icon_-_Role_Permissions_-_Deny00175.png — click this icon to deny the role permission from the account for the selected role.

After you finish editing a user role, Inception applies the account permission assignment changes to all the users assigned to the user role.