To Set NAS Permissions for Growing File Export

The Growing File Export service in Windows® needs permission to access the NAS where you want to locate the Growing File Export.

  1. Launch the Services application from Windows®.
    Tip: Click the Start button and search for services to quickly find the application.
  2. In the Services list, locate Abekas Growing File Export.
  3. Right click on Abekas Growing File Exporter and click Properties.
  4. Click the Log On tab.
  5. Select This account and click Browse.
    The Select User dialog opens.
  6. Click Advanced.
    A new Select User dialog opens.
  7. Click Find Now.
    A list of valid User Accounts is shown.
  8. Select the user account of the NAS you want to use for the Growing File Export and click OK.
  9. Verify that the user account is now listed in the Enter the object name to select field and click OK.
  10. Enter the password for the selected user account in the Password and Confirm password fields and click OK.
  11. Click OK on the Services popup.
  12. Select the Abekas Growing File Exporter and click Restart the service.